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how many yards should i zero my scopes in at

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Confession time. 38 years of shooting and for the last three months I have been making a schoolboy error. I have been obsessed with yardage so with tape measure in hand I have carefully placed a target at every 10 yards from 8 - 45. Not once has my mil-dot married up with Chairgun but I couldn't tell why. I have featured in a few HFT's lately but couldn't understand why I missed a few easy shots. Two days ago I realised my tape was in metres so I have been disadvantaging myself; but it's made me a better shooter as I was shooting at a greater distance.


At the local club I moved the zeroing targets back to what I thought was the right distance only to screw up everyone else who was working to yards. I featured well that week :) . Today, putting all targets at the correct range I was on fire. Goes to show, experience isn't everything when it comes to shooting.

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tis an 'old' rule of thumb though. as in the old 177 for feather and 22 for fur...


Is that the correct way around???


hows mean? lol its not true today (and probably never was lol). its from the good old days where every gun in 177 was 9.5fp and every 22 was 10,5.....hmmmm)


its what was said for years by the pre pcp guys in the golden years of yonder aged peoples.

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