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Switched the dogs over to a raw diet made up of minced meat, pasta, veg and biscuit as well as nice meaty bones. How should i keep on top of worming them, Will i continue as normal or make it more frequent?


If anyone could give me some advice it would be great.


Atb shaun :victory:

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First it’s not a raw diet!!! Biscuits, pasta etc are not raw lol .

If feeding human quality meat there shouldn’t be a worm problem as the source animals themselves are treated regularly.

If feeding raw game such as rabbit or fish there will be a worm problem as they won’t have been treated and so their flesh will contain worm cysts ready to infect your dog.

I freeze game for a couple of weeks to destroy worm cysts but feed human quality such as chicken etc as it comes and get little in the way of worms and so treat yearly to be on the safe side or as required if any symptoms.

If you feed game without freezing them worm 3 monthly.

Edited by sandymere
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