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A quick dig and a quicker bolt

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Got picked up this morning by my mate with my young bitch and my old dog, met up with a keeper who had experienced terrific problems last season due to foxes. Whilst collaring up my terriers the keeper made us a coffee and after drinking that we set off. First place we tried was a nice looking 3 holer but held nothing so the keeper told us that some had been spotted using a overgrown ditch.


I left my dog off to see if he could push anything out, spotted a good looking fresh hole so checked around and found another. Entered my dog and with in minutes he was on. A mark of 1 meter so me and my mate set about with the spade and after a quick dig we broke through to a vixen with her cubs. My mate shot them and lifted out a vixen with a beautiful coat, best coat I've seen in ages :yes: . After the back fill we continued up the ditch with my young bitch working free.


After a short walk she started screaming at a hole, so I gave her the command and she was in baying like mad. After about 30 seconds I heard the keeper let off a shot and 1 horrible mangy dog fox was shot :bad: . Got my bitch back on the lead after giving her a good rag of it and we headed back to the keepers house. His wife made us a bacon sandwich and hot coffee whilst the keeper thanked us for our mornings sport :victory: .


As we were leaving he asked for both of out phone numbers in case he had any more problems :toast: so I've had a good morning out and hopefully got more permission :D

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Got picked up this morning by my mate with my young bitch and my old dog, met up with a keeper who had experienced terrific problems last season due to foxes. Whilst collaring up my terriers the keepe

I wouldnt call digging cub's sport mate i would call it pest control so well done on a good day's pest control and i have still gotta see these dog's that wait for a command to enter

Cheers Danny, even better morning if I get the permission to do it full time

Good job done well Mr Bear,seen a pic of a fella on a dig with a russell loose looking down at the hole he was digging and she'd never enter till told to.Might not have believed myself unless i saw it on that pic :icon_redface: .

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  On 03/04/2012 at 21:26, fireman said:

Good job done well Mr Bear,seen a pic of a fella on a dig with a russell loose looking down at the hole he was digging and she'd never enter till told to.Might not have believed myself unless i saw it on that pic :icon_redface: .


Cheers Fireman, you know you are welcome up here anytime mate :yes:

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