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jills in season.

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i have always either bred my jill or gettin the jill jab. hoewever this year the vet has put the prices up and it would cost £50 to get the jab for my three jills. just wanting to know i need the jab or do any of you just leave the jill to come out naturally.

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If you go to a vets that's part of a rescue centre its usually cheaper or phone around other vets as that seems pretty expensive.I payed £10 to get mine done. Some people leave there Jills to come out naturally but they are very prone to infection if you do leave them it can cause problems and even death, but some people just leave them and have done for years and haven't had any problems.

Personally I wouldn't leave them in season. Try around for a vasectomised hob to borrow to take them out of season, or you could buy a hob and get him vasectomised them you wouldn't have to worry at all.

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