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Guest Lurcherbitch
25000 volts is that to much :tongue2:




Nah.......... if it's shutting the thing up well ...job well done :laugh::clapper: Has it got curly hair, with a kinda surprised look on it's face :laugh::clapper:

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have had a couple and some of the barking ones

i found crap.think the training aid is much better.

it works with a remote and you can use it only

when you think he deserves it .

the down fall that the barking colar works

vibration and if it slides around at all it will not work.

obe worrks some times too :laugh:

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Guest mush
Worked well on my lurcher mate, put it on him,, within two days sorted, put it on him now without it switched on and hes silent all day and night. :D


Cheers bob

Worked on mine and then did the same left it on after turning it off, trouble was it put two holes in the dogs neck where the two pins touched the neck , so i had to take it off and the dog started barking again.

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