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hides ,what do you use

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Hi there , im thinking about buying a pop up hide ,are they any good for shooting pigeons from ,or would i be better buying camo netting instead , i have been using the clearview net but its to transparent and the pigeons sometimes see you through it.i have been putting out 6 FUD decoys and was also wondering if a flapper would help bring the pigeons in, keeping in mind we need the pigeons to land when shooting with an air rifle . i also want to be able to shoot them out the tree's as sometimes they land there rather than with the decoys and if im in a pop up hide will this restrict me . Any advice about decoying and shooting pigeons with air rifles would be great , before i part with my hard earned cash.



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yeah, i thought about that but iv read that they get caught up in everything and you spend ages untangling them, im not sure if thats true though,plus i think you would freak out anyone you happen to meet whilst out shooting haha,worth considering maybe ,any advice about using a flapper with my decoys or any other suggestions wi might use to improve my chances and results



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Natural is always best no matter what your trying to hide from. If you can get your hands on burlap its very good (cabelas sell it but im not sure if anyone over here sells it). Not shiney and very dense so you cant see through it then cut a few branches and use whatever foliage is handy to blend in to the suroundings. If you cant get burlap a good net will do the job. Personally i wouldnt buy a pop up hide because i cant think of anywhere id put 1 that it would blend in. Also any ive seen shines like mad, youd have to mud them up to get rid of that.Atb Mark

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ok ,im beginning to be swayed away from a pop up hide and lean more towards camo netting , il go for a good quality one and hide poles ,any recommendations on the camo,will look up burlap etc, still waiting on your comments on the flapper if anyone has any idea's that would be great



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i tried that , when ever you move to get a shot off there gone , there is little cover where i shoot and they see me most times before they land ,i just need to find the right tactics .




You are not doing it right then!




Camo jacket and trousers.

Camo gloves.

Camo veil.


Make sure as little of your flesh as possible can be seen. Get into as central a position in the trees as possible, look which ones have the droppings under the branches cos it has to come from somewhere. Make sure you got a good line and take them in the trees! Easier that way!

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yep iv got all of the above but the tree's go in a L shape and they dont land on a particular tree ,it varies ,i get some ,others you have to move position to get a shot of and thats when they take off, sometimes they just fly by my 6 decoys hence the though about a flapper to help them come in . i think its going to be camo netting , is the stealth netting any good?



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