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Rabbit drop trap

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Ive had ago at making a rabbit drop trap and just got to put the wire or wood around the frame and its ready for me to give it a try after leaving it locked for few weeks so they get use to it.Just putting a wire fence along all the runs will be enough digging lol..Not looking forward to the digging the hole for trap lol.hopefully should pay off though.post-56021-0-40833300-1333316613.jpgMore photo when all wired or boxed in.

Edited by paul1972
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Looks good mate i planning on building one this year for a place i know alot of rabbits are using, whose design did you follow or did you do it off you own, i have got the plans of fourteen acre just got find the time to make it, hope it serves you well when its finished. all the best

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Thankyou I went off fourteen acre myself.Might be slightly differant but works the same.I wasnt to sure about the trap door at first but i used a longnet fibreglass pole through two brass eyes screwed into the wood and through both sides of batten.I set the pole slightly off the middle with lead to have the door come back up into position,I also put two screws into the batten to stop the door going upside down.That way i found you can set the gap you want to create for rabbits to fall.I will keep you upto date with my catches.

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