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Walk along the Hedgerow.......!

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Took the lurchers and terrier for a long walk around the rape fields in the glorious sunshine today. These conservation strips the farmers are oblged to provide are a haven for all manner of wild plants and animals. It's amazing what you can find in the hedge bottoms before the leaf and nettles obscure everything from view. I happened across this old milk churn that would make a wonderful planter in the garden (Next time i am up pigeon shooting it may come home with me in the 4x4). I also found where old "Brock" had set up home inside an old dried up drainage pipe which i hadn't noticed before. The thorn was in blossom...........and in one area the lichen had all but covered a section of the hedge.........just thought it made an interesting picture.

Still trying to get used to what the camera (Nikon L120) can and cant do........like me....it has its limitations.





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