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what's the best mod for a 17hmr

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horses for courses, depend how much you want to spend but the reality is theres very little auidible difference between the cheaper end parker hale and the most expensive ones when used on the 17hmr. the older style sak had a grub screw to hold the internals in place and the newer ones have the screw end with the spanner end, on my 22lr i found between 3 (parher hale,sak and ase utra) the utra was the quitest whilst the parker hale and sak were virtually the same.

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I have an LEI on my HMR. I got it because i liked its size. Cost me £100 which is cheap for an LEI, but expensive compared to other Mods. To be honest, i have stood there with other people comparing the sound with other Mods, and it's just nit-picking, they all sound about the same.

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