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does 1/8th of a breed have much affect?

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alright lads, just wondering to myself as ive seen alot of people with bitzas on here, how much effect does having 1/8th of a certain breed have on the overal lurcher? for example if a lurcher had 1/8 collie in would this improve the brains at all or is the collie blood too diluted? i know genetics isnt as exact as this and its much more complicated but has anyone got any experience with dogs having very dilute collie blood yet showing collie intelligence/traits or a similar thing with other breeds?


Be Kind hahah



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Iwould say that breeding from mixed bred lurchers ill gewt diff levels of iq etc traits , all depending of the make up of the animal . but this can also be said of animals bred with only a couple breeds in the mix . The influence of traits will be far superior in generation bred type animals .how many times do we see fi saluki greys with little or no wind so to peak , quite common i would say , the same can besaid of most if not all types at the begining of the x of what ever . lurchers bred from base stock over a period of best on best do get brighter and become more bidable if not already so . and the traits become more set in the type . amongrell so to speak of several breeds do seem to beget calm sociable easily handled animals , the undesireable traits of most first xs are usually ironed out , because lets be honest the fis in all the lurchers seem to have one bad trait or other , of course thers no perfect animal but a well stable animal with calm laid back temp with reasonable iq decent turn of foot with the willingness to please , can be a pleasure to own . atb bunnys.

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Guest Sorley Boys clan

you learn something every day with lurchers an i never thought it would be possible for a 3/4 to have more brains than its first x mother but it does... so i would think a 3/4 like that would put brain into a 7/8 if its brain your talking about....if it stamina i think its a differant story

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Erm...it does and it dont.for example... From one litter of say 8 pups, all will be from 7/8th whippet and 1/8th bedlington. however one sibling will be stronger in the beddy to the next. i bred a litter years back. i could work out the fractions from the amount of whippet, collie and greyhound but it aint worth it. some ended showing strong lines of greyhound and some more of the whippet and a couple showing signs of plenty of collie. its just one big game of roulette with this lurcher breeding lark.

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