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Lead poisoning?

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  1. I`d get in there quick, tell them you are unhappy at the extended wait. If they haven`t despatched the gun yet, tell them you want an upgrade

Seriously,, kick up a stink bud, they will come round and you get the chance to get a better gun.


The consumer is king!

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I disagree Rake they will kill a rabbit if you wrap a lettuce leaf around the end of the barrel then sit very very still and wait for the rabbit to come up and open its mouth around the barrell then s

sheep get electricuted at the abbotoir, do you get an electric shook when you eat lamb the only shock i get is when the tell you how much per kilo it is unlesss you suck the pellets for the next 30

Welcome Gerbil,   The early SMK rifles were absolute sh!te Ive seen the old barrels with the hole of the bore set off to the sise :shock:   Then for some reason (just as the old 'Jap Crap' motors

sheep get electricuted at the abbotoir, do you get an electric shook when you eat lamb :hmm: the only shock i get is when the tell you how much per kilo it is :laugh: unlesss you suck the pellets for the next 30 years or so you will be quite safe :thumbs: just listen for that loud clonk whilst doing a no2 :laugh: :laugh: your smk is more likely to just give it a bad head rather that kill it although the odd lucky shot might scare it to death :laugh:

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Get on the phone and cancel the order. You're well within your rights to change your mind especially as it hasn't been delivered yet. You really should try before you buy anyway. I bought my first rifle for £120. It was a BSA Supersport and it has accounted for many rabbits and squirrels over the years.

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They are crap mate, take peoples advice on here and cancel,you are well within your rights.

People on here might even be able to sort you out with a nice second hand springer that you can kill rabbits with.


This is usually the point where moley pops up and extolls the virtues of the walnut stocked Hatsan.

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From my experience of SMK's you get good and bad with them but you will be very lucky to get a goodun, just ring them and tell them you have changed your mind and want to cancel the order, you might lose your £20 but you will get the money for the rifle back then go and have a look round the local gun shops for a decent 2nd hand rifle, if you take folding money and say "i've got X ammount, what kind of deal can you do" and dont be scared to haggle and shop around you will get something ten times better than the SMK.


As for lead poisoning, no you will be fine, you only get lead poisoning if you have a large ammount of lead in your body for a long time and seeing as any pellets you do eat will be passing straight through you.......................


Plus seeing as you will be taking head shots 99.9% of the time and you dont eat the head then it shouldn't be a problem any how.




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Righty tighty! The £140 weapon is either the XS19, which is agricultural to say the least, but has a semi reasonable chance of being able to be used for hunting, just ask Phantom on here, or the XS 208! The SMK pellets are only to be used as a paper weight though, they are seriously useless, people talk about odd mis shapen pellets per tin on here, SMK pellets are odd correctly shaped pellets per tin, they really are awful!


Get yourself some decent ammo locally, SMK pellets actually curve in flight, seen it happen myself when the wife was firing our first air rifle! not a great aid to accuracy that! So if the order does not get cancelled you can sort of feel ok about it (Ronnie Sunshines are trying to sell XS 19s at £150 and they are supposed to be a decent air rifle shop). I would ask for a chrono test on the rifle (ie see what sort of power it is making, as mentioned above some can be seriously lacking in power).


If you can cancel then please do so, where in Cornwall are you? Trago Mills at Liskeard has SMKs in if you have to have an SMK and at probably a greater discount than Pellpax.

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Ey up Gerbil welcome to THL........On subject on the rifle you have ordered i would do exactly what others have sugguested CANCEL IT!.....they are seriously...whats the word im looking for :hmm: Ahhh ye thats it CR@P :icon_eek: Like has been said head to your local fieldsports shop and haggle till you get what you want.....they want a sale you want a rifle so you both have summit in common....stick to ammount you have funds wise and take the piss(thats what i do)sometimes works sometimes doesn't but hey the worst they can say it no....good luck with it buddy :thumbs:



On lead poisoning not unless you intend eating them pellets they are sending you with rifle mate

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i dont agree with rake aboot i had a smk qb 78 co2 and i could kill rabbits at 30yds and it was only 65 new but would get some better pellets smk pellets are rubbish mine liked rws superdomes

Edited by hugo1
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Welcome Gerbil,


The early SMK rifles were absolute sh!te :yes: Ive seen the old barrels with the hole of the bore set off to the sise :shock:


Then for some reason (just as the old 'Jap Crap' motors did) the quality of the guns that the Chinese were producing suddenly skyrocketed and from the level of the QB's and XS's the rifles became very much value for money guns :yes:

I've not had experiance of the model you have ordered so I assume its a fairly new model and it will very likely be a great intro gun to shooting and more than capable of shooting all UK vermin/pests.


The first thing though and this is of the utmost importance is that you get to learn how to shoot! DO NOT just go out, commit armed trespass and shoot willy nilly at animals or birds!


You need to spend a hell of a lot of time, shooting at paper targets at different ranges, Start at 10-15 yards then when you can get all your pellets inside the size of a british 2pence coin, then move on to 20-25 yards then repeat until 30-35 yards. These are nominal airgun ranges.

After you become proficiant, get yourself some insurance then begin approaching land owners etc.. to get permission to shoot your quarry.

Oh yes you will also need to learn where to place your shot on the quarry (brain shots are generally the best) for a clean kill.

Thats the basics.


If you need any further help/advice someone will be here to answer, or you can contact me via PM.



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Thankyou very much Phantom. At last a little more productive advice.


Well i know how to shoot as i used to shoot live 22 rifles at air cadets when i was abit younger although i shall deffinately be abit rusty! And ofcourse i'l be in my back garden shooting paper cut outs of Justin bieber. That's allowed right?

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Thankyou very much Phantom. At last a little more productive advice.


Well i know how to shoot as i used to shoot live 22 rifles at air cadets when i was abit younger although i shall deffinately be abit rusty! And ofcourse i'l be in my back garden shooting paper cut outs of Justin bieber. That's allowed right?


Lol thats allowed mate....want some help :)

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