James Brooke 0 Posted March 31, 2012 Author Report Share Posted March 31, 2012 thanks for the help guys if i need owt else i wont hesitate to post and ask Quote Link to post
Phantom 631 Posted March 31, 2012 Report Share Posted March 31, 2012 Hi there, You say your new to it all? The Edgar Bothers are a good intro to shooting, the trigger may be a little "graunchy, tough, agricultural" but over all a decent entry level rifle. I agree with Mike on the pellets, AAF's are a decent all round pellet, I've also used Bisley, FX, RWS etc and yesterday I tried Crosman Premier Ultra Mag's and Crosman Premier Hollow Points. The grouping was excellent with both once I was in the sweetspot of the S200. First thing to do is get yourself some paper/card targets and learn how to shoot at various ranges before setting out after quarry for the pot. Mike mentions that they are "Hold Sensitive" and I totally agree, not just for this rifle but for all springers Learn to hold the rifle so that you are more or less (for want of a better word) "cradling" it. Hold it tight and the gun will appear not to be performing well. All springers need to move for a fraction of a second in every direction (and to make it more complicated) forwards, backwards, left, right as well as twisting as the spring uncoils spring going one way, gun going the opposite! So a gentle (to allow the gun to do what it must) but firm (to prevent it jumping out of your hands) is needed with each shot Once you are consistant with a springer, you will be very happy indeed and the feelling of a well executed and well placed shot just can't be beaten (more so with a springer) Tony Quote Link to post
gurtwurz 792 Posted March 31, 2012 Report Share Posted March 31, 2012 you might find this helpful mate http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/187884-prone-position-stability/page__hl__%2Bprone+%2Bposition+%2Bshooting+%2Bstability__fromsearch__1 http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/182473-spring-air-rifle-shooting/page__p__1846303__hl__+spring%20+rifle%20+shooting%20+pianoman__fromsearch__1?do=findComment&comment=1846303 words of wisdom from our resident springer guru!!! cheers, wurz Quote Link to post
Skot Ruthless Teale 1,701 Posted March 31, 2012 Report Share Posted March 31, 2012 You can mate yes but when new pellets come make sure you clean barrel then run some new lead through her hi i was just wondering how you clean the barrel on your tx?? ive just got a new 97kt and i want to give it a good clean before i start using it, but with it being an underlever i figured it would be quite awkward with my cleaning rod.?! I was thinking.. thread the rod through the muzzle towards the loading chamber thingy, and then putting a patch on and pulling it out- then removing the patch.. rinse and repeat a few times...??! ive also got a bronze wirey type bit aswel just wondering what this is for because it looks like it would scratch the inside of the barrel and maybe damage the rifling?? HELP!! cheers lol Quote Link to post
Phantom 631 Posted March 31, 2012 Report Share Posted March 31, 2012 Bronze is much softer than the steel, scrub it with the bronze, thread some fishing line/nylon or even a strong cotton from the muzzle to the breach tie a strip of baby wipe to the end and pull back through, repeat until babywipe is clean. H O W E V E R ! ! ! Don't bother cleaning between each brand of pellet! Only clean when your groups begin to open up or become erratic! Tony Quote Link to post
Skot Ruthless Teale 1,701 Posted March 31, 2012 Report Share Posted March 31, 2012 so i dont need to clean between different brands? what if i wanted to do a 5 pellet brand grouping test. i was thinking ... clean barrel. fire 20 air arms to line the barrel, then 5 or 10 as a group test then clean again, fire 20 superdomes, then 5/10 for accuracy test.... then clean, line it, test again with next pellet type... etc etc. or would you just clean barrel then fire 20 aa's to line it, then 5 aa, 5 ftt, 5 superdome, ...etc ?? i want to see which is best for my rifle i have 6 types to try AFTER ive put about 2000 total through it because its brand new.. Quote Link to post
Phantom 631 Posted March 31, 2012 Report Share Posted March 31, 2012 I only clean the barrel when my accuracy begins to tail off, matters not what brand of pellets I am using! For example, why would I clean the barrel if I'm getting one hole groups with 10 Bisley Magnums at 30 yards, then change to JSB Baracuda's? Bothe pellets off the same Die from the same lead wire, polished to the same standard and have the same dia/BC and weight, but not the same brand name? I've recently changed from using FX and AAF's to Crosman Premiers (both Ultra Magnums and Hollowpoints), got superb grouping (sub 8mm @30 yards with 5 pellets) yet I'd not cleaned the barrel in well over a year! Tony Quote Link to post
Skot Ruthless Teale 1,701 Posted March 31, 2012 Report Share Posted March 31, 2012 cool i remember my .22 s200 a few years ago i actually think it was slightly more accurate than my s410 .22 and only cost me half as much !! i wudnt mind a hw100s but cant afford one yet plus id need filling equipment. pay off my holiday and credit card first then start saving i guess. haha Quote Link to post
James Brooke 0 Posted April 1, 2012 Author Report Share Posted April 1, 2012 as you all know i just got my first gun yey lol and because its second hand is there anyway of making the stock and barrel look new again like paint for barrel etc ? or like i asked in an earlier reply can you get camo tape or summat Quote Link to post
StevoSmith 147 Posted April 1, 2012 Report Share Posted April 1, 2012 I differ from Tony(aka Phantom) on cleaning matters......i always clean barrel between diff brand of pellets....The TX is underlever same as 97 i use this for cleaning...ok not the best but does great job http://www.ebay.co.u...=item41643993a1 As my TX has anti bear trap i cock rifle and clean away till when i run swab through it comes out clean. Quote Link to post
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