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just bought this?

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The 60 is a basic spring powered rifle, sold for half the price of it's alter ego the Webley Stingray Mark 2 (play spot the difference with photos of both, you cannot apart from the fact the Hatsan has a better safety catch). Now sporting German sourced mechanicals it has a walnut stock and is a capable hunting rifle. There are a few exceptions though. As with any mass produced rifle (ie produced and sold in volumes exceeding the higher quality makes such as HW), you get reports of more bad ones, simple statistics, more made, more sold, more go wrong, also as you are aware quite a few people new to shooting buy these and then sell them on quickly, meaning that sometimes the problems are not the guns fault.


Accuracy wise they are ok, it is perfectly possible to get a 25 yard 1 inch group with one of these but they can be a bit hold sensitive, so google something called the artillery hold. Should enable you to get accurate shot placement.


The Quattro trigger is a genuine 2 stage adjustable unit, it also works well. Things that annoy. The safety catch. Always comes on when you cock it, some people (like me) like this feature and some people don't. The noise. They are a noisy little springer. The spring is quite noisy as it is being cocked and fired. Remember though that is you being right on top of the action when you fire and it only sounds like a minor accident in an orchestra's percussion section when you are further away. Can be cured with a tuning kit though (see Woodfield Gun Care products for this).


Longevity. Conflicting reports. Probably due to the fact that some people do not look after them and wonder why they go wrong. I had one for over two years and when I sold it (with cheap £30 scope for £90), it was still making over 11 foot pound energy, so not a bad gun.


Would I have one? There are better springers out there, but even secondhand you are talking over £50 more than what you paid, it will shoot accurately too. In a word yes, strangely enough I have one of these rifles, but mine is not the spring version, it is the uniquely English version that is the Gas Ram (always wanted a Gas Ram rifle). You can also pick up the ram as an aftermarket kit. Mine was converted before purchase by Stutleys who do this work for Edgar Brothers.So I sort of have one but I don't if you see what I mean!


The price you paid is about average, some people want for for this rifle, some people want less for it, but you paid about average for the gun. Just use reasonable ammo. You will not get good accuracy with SMK pellets, stick to something like Crosman Premier domeds!

Edited by secretagentmole
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i think when you cok it and safety comes on i think that is a good feature better to be safe :D i also wouldnt mind knowing how to clean a gun and lube it up etc and i have been told you can get camoflage tape to cover the gun and was just wondering if this is true ? and the pellets my made gave me with the gun were 500 nominal .22 cal MARKSMAN 5.5 domed pellets .... and what am i looking for on woddfield gun care??

Edited by James Brooke
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Look for Hatsan 60S. Woodfield kits come with full instructions!


Throw the pellets away, they are SMK. Treat your gun to some decent pellets, JSB, Air Arms, Crosman, something like that, yes they do cost more, but they make the gun much more accurate! You want a nice domed pellet. More accurate over longer distances and quite capable of killing! Pointed head pellets are not as accurate and flat head pellets are suitable only for killing paper or rats at close range!

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