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Long range hunting with two foreign friends


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Hi my opinion on this subject is that shooting at long ranges is fine if you have the eye to do so. I always shoot at long ranges the longest i shoot at is 75 yards with a 177 air arms s400 sub 12fp and it does the job.I heard that you only need 3fp to kill a bird.I have shoot rabbits at this range and killed them out right.you do not need a bullet rifle to have long range kills.hears a picture of the squirrel i shoot from 72 yards yesterday


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Hi lads,   Here is some long range shooting that I did with my 2 foreign friends Mr E and Mr W.   Not everyone will like this kind of shooting and at these ranges with a sub 12 ft / lb air rifle,

Hi Si, you will always get criticisms from those that are envious of your obvious shooting skill. Sir Slots -alot / Alan does long distance vermin control on Youtube with centrefires , he has had h

well you said you might get some stick zi mate but you wont get any from me thats for sure your a very resposible air gunner and you done your home work on last video fair play to you cracking shots

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  On 01/04/2012 at 08:01, porkycrook said:

To Pink or Stink, If Si or anybody else would have posted the video request that you were after, (To the op a question; have you recorded a longe range shot where you have wounded your quarry or even missed?). If it was a miss nobody would give a flying fart about it, but if it was injured boy oh boy would that be a diffrent kettle of fish. Every anti would be jumping on the band wagon shouting that this should be banned and the shooter be burned at the stake.



You missed my point, I wasn't advocating Si posting one, theres' enough of youtube to demonstrate poor ethics. I was asking if all hos shots at such a distance were succesful or has he indeed filmed a wounding shot.


  On 01/04/2012 at 08:55, zini said:

Hi Pink,


All your points are taken on board buddy :thumbs: and I'm not in total disagreeance with you despite what you may well think.


I think that you are missing the point of the thread though and that is to answer some other threads with a video and show the potential of a sub 12.


As I said at the start of the first post the shots I took and filmed were the only shots I took and so I was very careful not to injure any animal.


I also haven't just thought to myself "oh yeah lets go and shoot long distance today for the channel".


I first spent almost 2 days of calibration, first on Chairgun with some very accurate data input followed by doing 2 registration shoots to take out the minute errors in my calibration of my rifles. I then spent the rest of the time practising at those ranges so I was happy that not only the rifle was on song and sweet as it could be but I was too. This together with the 25 years of shooting practice enabled me to achieve the shots mate.


Regarding posting wounded quarry for people to see. I don't think so, that wont ever happen.


I like this section and the forum in general and do not wish to get banned for life for doing something that would really give antis the ammo and also bringing down the forum, but if i wanted to have done that and was crazy i could have posted a few clips from 5 and 10 yards rats that I had to shoot twice to humanely kill last week and would not of had to go right out to 70 yards.


I hope this answers some of your questions mate.




Understand all this and I did appreciate what you were trying to illustrate but there are anomolies here that are outside of your control; the quarry moving is the big one. Chairgun and any other app doesn't pull the trigger so it's only practise and how you get to know your gun that is the deciding factor in all this. Yep, I've taken some ridiculously long and succesful shots so I'm fully aware of what a sub 12ftlb rifle can do and you display some fine sporting shots so don't think I'm knocking you buddy, but I do like a balance opinion where discussion has been called for.


On a personal note I would love to see footage of a man doing a succesful stalk on a creature than a long shot; to me that's the skill in hunting. I gave up killing 12 years ago because for me it became too easy (I'm sure you can undersatnd that).

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good vid si,some can and some cant ,im afraid i cant well not with a springer mate.i dont think some people understand how long and how m uch effort you put in with your guns ,not some weekend warrior pal.it goes to show its how much hard work and persistence can pay off.every credit to you and davy for the time you both put in for the channel atb carl.

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Hi Si, you will always get criticisms from those that are envious of your obvious shooting skill.

Sir Slots -alot / Alan does long distance vermin control on Youtube with centrefires , he has had his critics,

, Aslong as you know what you are doing and kill humanely i see no problem,

Chimp and others are entitled to there opinions , but as long as you happy with it thats all that matters, Here

Mr Chimp have a bananna!!!!! :D :D

regards bunnyman

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Ok Pink,


Your points are taken mate.


Maybe ill do some filming with the rifle on a stalk or two as a episode on the channel.



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I have no problem with Chimp or anyone on the forum.


We had a silly argument in 2009 about something that I cant even remember what it was about.


I was a total dick and said things I didn't mean including making personal comments about him which was totally not right so if I'm honest the comments that Chimp sometimes makes in regards to my posts I deserve.


I have sent Pm's to him and apologised in the past that's as much as I can do.


Time as passed though and I have forgotten the past and let old dogs lie


Other than that Chimp is probably a good lad with a very good and dry sense of humour.



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Nothing to add really is there?


I know people who can take long shots and I know people who can not hit a barn door if they were sat the latch!


Si has a lot more skill with rifles than most folk on here, as indeed does Davy, Darryl and Gary, Simon, Andy and a lot of others here. Some have the confidance to make use of the rifle's accuracy, their skill and judgement of prevailing winds and know when a bird or animal is relaxed enough that it is settled and feels safe enough not to go moving off.


Well done Si, very well done.



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Well well... its all a bit fruity here haha.... well fact i am very new and would not argue or profess to know more than anyone, as I guess your all older or wiser than me as it stands.


However as a lay person I can comment on Si, after observing him shoot. So here goes... And for any one who think, here he goes 'bigging' up his mate, no not at all just facts here, I


personally have seen and witnessed Si shoot at what the air gun magazines would class as out side the capabilities of an air gun. He also in front of me in four shots three twice,


cut in half, with his .177 a broom stick handle which was slightly rotten, but still fairly solid at 50m.... he also shot the a super small hole reducer at 50m on a HFT. Akin to this also


was a bunny shot a around 45 50 yards with what was only described as excellent pellet placement.


Si, from our conversations has more trigger time that most of us have in a year in a month, and the ones who as Phantom mentioned and Si has also practice and have the


understanding of their rifles, and what with 'perfect' conditions can be achieved. As for missing at long range, can you not miss at short range as well?.


Who can honestly say, if they could shoot like Si and previously mentioned people in the thread they wouldn't under 'perfect' conditions shoot quarry out to these ranges on odd


occasions, not all the time.


Well I hope more accurate shooter will dare to follow Si, and height light what can be achieved with a sub 12ft lb air gun, and not what should be aspired to you shoot to what you


can manage and feel confident in is the easy rule to observe.



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your right about time with the air rifle,and this is the main thing that allows such shooting to take place,si is trained via the army which as all us ex military know is a high slandered and then he spends alot of time practicing with his air rifle,that is the biggest factor over all,me?? i am even worse(or lucky depending how you look at it lol) im out shooting every day and some times i dont bother goin home for a couple of days if its busy out :D (ask the mrs she used to go nutz lol) 100yards is not beyond a sub 12ftlbs by any means if the situation is perfect!!! i do mean perfect too... so accept the fact air rifles do have the power to do these shots,weather you agree or not!!

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I agree mate, its the shooters limits which dictate what shot can be taken with an air gun out to 100 yards, my range now is around 35 m which i practice in the garden all the time... (even more bang on after some Davy and Si tuition haha) to make shots at that range, but 50m is my next aim to shoot consistently 5p size groups. Its all practice, Si, Davy, your self Ryan all are out every other day... Maybe Arm Chair Shooters should dust the field boots and get out a bit more. It says Australian Larger on Fosters (its brewed up the road from me), just because the 'official' word is one thing the reality is usually another.



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  On 02/04/2012 at 11:39, ryan666 said:
100yards is not beyond a sub 12ftlbs by any means if the situation is perfect!!! i do mean perfect too... so accept the fact air rifles do have the power to do these shots,weather you agree or not!!


Indeed! :clapper:


A 10ft/lbs can lob a pellet well over 400 yards! :yes:

Now imagine the scene!


You roll up to the range, its a special range indoors with constant temp and none existant air flow.

Your targets are paper at 15 yards, 25, 35 45 and 50 yards. Your scope is at 10 mag and you've done your homework and carried out your scope, pellet and gun calibration at 10x

You are a competant shooter and you take out every bull in the target. Not a single miss, now you take a break, you go outside, it's calm very tiny breeze and a bunny appears at 50 yards would you, bearing in mind that you have just proved that you hit a 6mm target at 50 yards? This gives you approximately 19mm leeway in any direction! Of course your going to try it, because you know full well that your gun is up to the task and your confidance is glowing like a red hot poker.

You press the trigger and a fraction of a second later the bunny rolls over and waves a farewell to you.

You now go back into the range and find that your paper quarry is now 55, 60, 65, 70, and 75 yards away.

You have already done your calibration for 10x 5x and 3mag, so you reduce your magnification to 5x and you alter your Parralax so that 65 is in spot on focus.

You control you breathing and set to work on removing every bull on each target. A total sucess :clapper:

You go outside for air or a fag, or even a swift one off the wrist :laugh:

A bunny appears at 75 yards, conditions are pretty much the same, perhaps the wind is now a constant 5 MPH from the right.

Again you have done your homework and you know that that pellet will be blown a full mildot to the left over that range. What do you do? Do you:

  • Take the shot with your crosshair 'bang on' with the KZ?
  • Take the shot with the base of the post bang on the KZ?
  • Take the shot with the base of the post level with and centered on the KZ?
  • Take the shot with the base of the post level, but one mildot to the right?
  • Take the shot with the base of the post level, but one mildot to the left?

You know your kit, you know your ballistics, you have taken into account the wind, you know that you still have a good level of leeway, after all a 5.5mm pellet anywhere in that 25mm kz will drop that bunny stone cold dead.


Which will you choose?



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now after all this, it just needs an armchair worrior to deside ahh well we can cut the legal power down..after all 'everybody can do it'...


(even though all the exsisting laws were and are there for very good reason...).


tut...ignorense is bliss, especialy when in love with ones own voise lmao!!

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  On 02/04/2012 at 14:20, ghillies said:

now after all this, it just needs an armchair worrior to deside ahh well we can cut the legal power down..after all 'everybody can do it'...


(even though all the exsisting laws were and are there for very good reason...).


tut...ignorense is bliss, especialy when in love with ones own voise lmao!!


Who you talking about bud? have I missed a post?



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just a general observasion mate... theres always a snerty in the backround planning it's next conquest.. bit like a meddling manager lol.


eg, three year odd ago i was averaging 50yd plus yard shots of the back of a 4x4, with hell of a lot of windage to boot.. missed every now and again but that was a bracketing shot to see where the pellet was.. ..10.5 fp's, one of the imidiate coments i heard about it was 'ahhh see they dont need to be 12fp!.. problem is the gun was a unique set up.. silly hi BC and 2 fps varience shot to sot with the odd 1fps varience strings..the power curve basically.


but as usualy...the snerty 'desided' on the new revolasion of the blessed 'ignorence'...

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