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Just about had enough

Lee C

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Hi all hope all is well with you and the moult!! I got in Tuesday had family meal etc. Got the cats in from their pen and found a lump in one cat (vets op on Monday). Went out to Vlad about an hour after this upset. Went in to see him, he is at fat weight but still hops to the glove and i still weigh him every day. What looked like a big bit of his wing was hanging off. He was looking fine but had dropped a few primaries and about four were hanging off. I thought wing tip straight away! To late for vets so sat up all night and travelled over to Ian fitzgereald in staverton . Top bloke would recommend him in the morning an sat and waited for him to open. On examination not wing tip but a trauma injury very recent. Very similar looking to wing tip except flesh is fine. He cut off the last bits of the hanging off part of wing, some may regrow but outlook is not great. He is as steady as a rock in the aviary and does not bait or make a noise. Only thing that has changed in the last couple of week is next door has let he new kittens out and they have been discovering my garden more to the point running about on the roof of his aviary. Can't be 100% sure but think they must have wound him up somehow and he must have injured himself !!!! Shit luck again I have had enough !

All the best


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when first reading it I thought wing tip odema or Bursistus either can be caused by trauma. Have to say it doesn't sound good, a pals Harris ended up with a wing injury during the flying season and was treat with antibiotics, unfortunatley even after the moult the birds wing was never the same.


hopefully I'm wrong in the case of your bird.

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Can't be 100% sure but think they must have wound him up somehow and he must have injured himself !!!! Shit luck again I have had enough !

All the best



What you mean as in trying to get the kitten ?......Will a bird get stressed by any sounds/movement around the aviary then.....or just particularly unusual ones ?

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Hi a mate has said he has chicken wire in top of his to stop the buggers getting on it. Vet said his friend had camera on aviary and the gos was baiting at cats and a foxes disturbing it!!

So it's the only thing I can put it down to. I made the aviary quite small so he could not pick up a lot of speed for just this type of reason so I can only imagine that he went he'll for leather at what ever it was. It he had been down for moult for three weeks!

The vet also said the wing will probably never be the same!! But finger crossed I am due some F in luck for once.

All the best guys


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Can't be 100% sure but think they must have wound him up somehow and he must have injured himself !!!! Shit luck again I have had enough !

All the best



What you mean as in trying to get the kitten ?......Will a bird get stressed by any sounds/movement around the aviary then.....or just particularly unusual ones ?

A bird moulting out at fat weight can get stressed out if you fart a 100yrd's away...more so with accipiter's..

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A bird moulting out at fat weight can get stressed out if you fart a 100yrd's away...more so with accipiter's..


I see ok :thumbs: ..............what about in normal day to day life in the aviary will unusual noises or movements stress a bird

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I see ok :thumbs: ..............what about in normal day to day life in the aviary will unusual noises or movements stress a bird


they get used to things as we do but like Millet mentioned above Accipiters can start to crash about with different sights and noises. I get stupid things happen here like the birds going down to breed late because the wild buzzards and Kites are floating about over the aviaries, it sends them made as I suppose in their minds they're in their territory and they're not at all happy.


also had prolific semen donor Gos shut down due to a neighbour deciding to get up the ladder and prune his trees, the bird saw him and went balistic! ended my season with him :censored:....

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A bird moulting out at fat weight can get stressed out if you fart a 100yrd's away...more so with accipiter's..


I see ok :thumbs: ..............what about in normal day to day life in the aviary will unusual noises or movements stress a bird

Tried to PM you but can't..
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Sorted now i think Millet.......

Sorry to jump in on your thread Lee C...................................so with this in mind then would the aviary itself be best sited where there is constant noise the bird would get used to.....or a more quiet spot where there may be the occassional noise the bird wouldnt be used to ?

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The gutting thing in this case is he still hops o. To the glove and stays there. I walk him to the scale and he hops off and sit quiet as a mouse hops back on the glove and I carry him back in to the aviary. Unless you look very closely at the wing you would not know anything was wrong! Gutted all his primaries are now gone.

Good luck to you all and best wishes Lee

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A small electric fence would keep the cats or kittens off the roof,seen a few bird aviaries with them on and very,very effective.A couple of 3 strands up to about a foot high would soon stop them causing hassle and no hassle from the nieghbours about how the cats keep going missing :whistling: .

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