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Just got a permission

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Hi all, just got my first ever permission to shoot! So now, while I send the Lands form off to the police so they can put it on my air rifle ticket (Northern Ireland...) I've got some nagging questions:


1. I've read in various places that early morning or evening is the best time for rabbits, can anyone share their experiences?

2. Is the camo gear really necessary? I'm a poor student, so I'll do anything to avoid spending money

3. I'm running a BSA Superten .22 at 11.2ftlb, I've got my zero set at 25m using RWS Superdomes. This looks pretty good on Chairgun, giving me a 6-27m point of aim spread with a one-inch killzone, and still lets me run out to 50m. I'll be hitting the range a lot more now to make sure I can make those far shots, but I was wondering if people have a more efficient zero. I could always up the power of my rifle as it's on ticket anyway, but people seem to get by with <12ftlb anyway.



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1. yes there pretty much the best time


2. it depends on the land, if there is lots of trees and things to block the rabbits line of sight then as long as your quiet and move fairly slow it shouldnt be a problem to wear eveyday dull clothes. IMO


3. dunno haha il let somebody else guide you on that! :huh:


all the best pal


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Gratz on your new permission mate


1.Best thing you can do is go and scout out this permission to find out what times they are showing...i have a perm where they dont come out until mid afternoon so it varies alot on diff rabbit populations but on most they show early morns of dusk


2.As has been said camo is not needed but again this also varies...weather they have been hit before or not....another thing to remember is that rabbits have a keen sence of smell so no deodrants/aftershave as they will smell that and be off like a shot....i wear camos when i go hunting just to blend in with background or make myself less noticable in open land....when stalking your quarry try and keep yourself from breaking the horizon as this will spook the rabbits also...stay low and move slowly.Also when you have yourself in a position(static shooting)if you hit a rabbit dont jump up and collect it untill you have finnished your session at that position(rabbits are used to seeing other dead rabbits)...if rabbit pops are good i would sugguest continusly moving from one area to another if cover allows...hope this helps


3.Also i dont know jack about pcp's buddy im sure others will help you with that




Remember mate when taking the shot keep it clean :thumbs:


ATB Stevo

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12ftps is ok.. but if the guns on ticket knock it up closer to 20ftps. much better stopping power and range. i'v shot both legal limit guns and guns producing more power i shoot rabbits with a rapid 7 producing just over 18ftps, fair bit more uuummmps than a legal limit gun..much better IMO.

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yes the will run soon as..


the young rabbits will pretty much sit there anyway can normally take out 3 of there siblings before they twigg on.

another thing dont shoot them all, save some for next year

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Hi Angry Han. If I had any advice to give it would be- Expect to not shoot a rabbit on your first few visits,unless they are really used to lots of humans knocking around.

Because on this forum alot of the fellas make hunting and fieldcraft i.e. getting within shooting distance of your quarry, easy to do as its something they have done for a long time, but in my experience it takes time, patience and persistance.

Good luck and well done on your perm' it's always nice to hear that landowners still have faith.


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