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Earthdog, Running dog Magazines

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I have for sale my collection of EDRD mags :cry: But needs must and all that There is every copy from 1 right up to 169. £160ono would secure sale any interested people please pm me. It will have to be collection only or I'd be willing to meet at a reasonable distance. They'll be going on the mighty auction site if no takers on here. I live about half an hour from junction 6/7 of M5.

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New price :o Thats less than a quid each. To all who ask reason I put collection only is for a couple of good reasons 1, Weight and 2 is problems with delivery eg not reiceving it then kicking up. Collection would be far easier so you could see all the copies and if you dont want them you can say so there and then and not feck anyone about

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