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hey guys thought id share some pics of bully kutta with you guys.

here some that are already here

















nice dogs,great temperments,gd with kids,not prone to most health problems that mastiffs have,very athletic for big dogs.these are level headed sound dogs.

what do you guys think,positive and negitive comments are welcome as its a forum, want know what peoples views are.

kira is only 13 months in the pics


what do u guys think.

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Personally, I love them but this subject has been covered in the past (by myself included) so be prepared for a lot of daft comments. On this forum, if the breed isn't suitable for hunting in the UK it is classed as 'a waste of kennel space'.

But as a pet and a good deterrent to burglars, I would love to own one as I love a giant breed but many have the health issues you mentioned. I have never seen one in the flesh though, what do you intend to do with yours?


Also do you have any more photos of the white dog, some side on ones? It might be the angle but it looks like it has a dropped back end?

Edited by Ratreeper
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ill take sum more pics of her and post ,her health is sound,they are pets,not advetising that they will catch bunnys,the white bitchs grand sire was an great hog hunting dog.im not like all these other puppy peddlers,the dogs will be bred in the future and will be resonable priced and not at £2000 a pup as the peddlers are at it.


they are not great dane cross,they are a type of dog rather than a breed of dog,this is what alot of people dont understand,you can have them looking like a big english mastiff type or bull x looking dogs,they are all bully kuttas but just from different bloodlines,every breeder breeds there dogs for the job they want the dogs to do.


theres not much they can hunt in this country so they are just pets.its just like haveing an american bulldog or french mastiff or any other non working breed.

Edited by billy10
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ill take sum more pics of her and post ,her health is sound,they are pets,not advetising that they will catch bunnys,the white bitchs grand sire was an great hog hunting dog.im not like all these other puppy peddlers,the dogs will be bred in the future and will be resonable priced and not at £2000 a pup as the peddlers are at it. they are not great dane cross,they are a type of dog rather than a breed of dog,this is what alot of people dont understand,you can have them looking like a big english mastiff type or bull x looking dogs,they are all bully kuttas but just from different bloodlines,every breeder breeds there dogs for the job they want the dogs to do. theres not much they can hunt in this country so they are just pets.its just like haveing an american bulldog or french mastiff or any other non working breed.


Can you empty your pm inbox, I tried to message you. Do you own the dogs that bullykutta has posted or are you using two usernames?

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nice dogs mate, i like them but my days of big dogs are long over if i was younger and with loads of land for it to guard i might of fort about having one a long with thinking hard about about a few more of the bigger breeds that was not on are shores 20, 10 or evern 5 years ago, iv meet a few lads and dogs in brum the biggest bully kutta that i have seen was 37" at about 13 months by the name of Byson, a monster

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There is a bloke on youtube that has and breeds them ,keeps a bit of a video diary , brummy i think he is .

black guy by the name of ben? if the right one think he runs a website selling all dog equipment etc called pooch dvd think he into them ovcharkas and other large flock guardians seems like a decent bloke what can make out on his videos

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ill take sum more pics of her and post ,her health is sound,they are pets,not advetising that they will catch bunnys,the white bitchs grand sire was an great hog hunting dog.im not like all these other puppy peddlers,the dogs will be bred in the future and will be resonable priced and not at £2000 a pup as the peddlers are at it.


they are not great dane cross,they are a type of dog rather than a breed of dog,this is what alot of people dont understand,you can have them looking like a big english mastiff type or bull x looking dogs,they are all bully kuttas but just from different bloodlines,every breeder breeds there dogs for the job they want the dogs to do.


theres not much they can hunt in this country so they are just pets.its just like haveing an american bulldog or french mastiff or any other non working breed.


Not to be rude,but it sounds like quite a few contradictions there......if your not peddling them and they are not working dogs what exactly are you breeding for ?.....You say every breeder breeds their dogs for the job they want the dogs to do......well what job is it ?.....You also say they are not a breed but " a type "....yet you choose to call them Bully Kuttas....why not just call them mongrels ?

Sounds to me like these are being lined up as the next " in thing " type of dog with no use other than another knob extension breed.......

Big ugly clumsy structurally poor looking dogs......but im sure if you happen to have a muzzled bear with its claws removed chained up in your back garden they are a whole lot of fun..........the dogs look like they have about as much class as the people who created them !

Edited by gnasher16
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grch-theses dogs are not game bred so thats why no serious dogman rates them.theses dogs work more like the tosa breed.theres only one breed of dog that makes that mark when u are doing that,they are learning about the cajun rules and imorting bulldogs to paki land from what i can gather.


gnasher16-they are my pets and the male has come from our yard back home,everyone that see one seems to want one thats why i mite breed her in the future,ive know people that peddle and and if i was to peddle i wouldnt choose bully kutta,firstly they are too big and in this day and age whos wants to pay £££'s for dogs,not many breeds are selling,the rescue homes are full. id choose something like the english bulldog or poodle thats kc reg if i wanted to peddle,american bulldogs all look different theres johnson type scott tyme they still have the same breed name.also if i do breed her it will only be if i know enough proper dogmen to take theses dogs otherwise she aint gona get bred.and as for createing them, alot of dogs from england where taken that were then cross bred with the paki type mastiff ,so we are to blame lol.peace

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