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Thursday morning saw me setting off down the M1 for that long drive to Wilts , my mate Foxdropper had kindly said I could stalk some of his roebucks :D


1st evening we went to have a look at a spot where there was some young broad leaves planted , on arrival we spotted a fox mooching about in the evening sunshine so we decided to see if we could stalk it.


We got to where the fox was , I got myself ready on my sticks and missed it :( but on the report of the rifle up jumped another fox and bolted like hell but Foxdropper stopped it for me with a loud shout and this time I managed to knock it over :D




Then we continued on to a different farm ,stalking into a roe doe in a rape field which was only 20 yards away. Then as daylight was beginning to run out I spied a buck in a grass field............1st buck was in the bag :D




Next morning saw us out and about at 5am , it was a bit chilly with a wind blowing. We saw 3 does but unfortunately the bucks were in hiding.


Foxdropper decided to go back to the same place at lunchtime to see if any deer had appeared as he said they often do and true to his word I spied a buck lying in a hedge dozing. At a distance of approx 130 yards I placed the bullet straight between its eyes .




This buck had really long front tines but nothing at the back...................




That evening we went back to the same place as the night before but the weather was a bit warmer this time.Foxdropper spotted a buck down a hedgerow , but it was feeding away from our position so we watched it for 10 mins or so deciding on what we should do then suddenly a buck appeared from nowhere behind us at only 50 yards , and so another buck grassed :D




We tried to then stalk the original buck it had vanished into thin air like only roe can.


Next morning out at 5 am again , this time spotted a young buck browsing on new buds on a hedgerow and had to wait til he was in a safe shooting position ....................no 4.

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Then we continued to stalk towards a rough set a side field , Foxdropper spotted another buck , this time though it disappeared into the thick cover. I decided to try and stalk it , very slowly stalking through the cover , the ground underfoot was noisy , no sign of the buck then suddendly I spotted him lying down. It had to be a head shot only as that was all that was visible, anyway I squeezed the trigger and over he went ,when I picked him up I had blown one of his antlers off .






What a fantastic couple of days stalking due to the generosity of Foxdropper, he knows his ground and knows how to get results. Thanks a lot for a great time mate , I owe you one ( well more than one ) must get you a fallow buck when you come up !!

Great to be out with people who know the game and not just full of talk ................you know the type.



What a brilliant result ................... ;):clapper:



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Its good that we have mates that can help us out with things we havent got around us, the gentleman that took me out loves to shoot long range bunnys and we have loads of them for him and his palmtop to play with, good swap if you ask me.....

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Hello mate your some machine hesd-shot's etc look's nice country & a challenge with the cover like here & by the body wieght's & strong head's some top roe stalking county glad you enjoyed your self & got a fox too.Great thread keep them comming.

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