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introducing a ferret

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I have a jill and would like to add another ferret with her shes in a 6ft run with a sleeping box. i have a hutch but before i connect the two how should i introduce them the jill has never had company and what sex should i try and get. i know if i get a kit to let the kit grow before introducing. any help would be great. here is a pic of the run its not finished yet iv got to put some tubing for her to play in. ta tom

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if you get a hob and hes only vasectomised he wont leave her alone till hes out of season so she will be ragged every day more than likely.......she may end up sore or even worse........ive got 3 jills,,all been spayed,,it cost me 48 pounds each to get em done,,,i dunno if this was expensive but i was recommended to go to the vet i used by the rescue nearby because she does them all the time,,,shes very neat in here stitching after the op,,and they use her,,,id rather pay the extra for peace of mind and my ferrets welfare,,,,,,,,than use any old vet and lose them,,[bANNED TEXT] i got my third jill late last year i put her in a hutch inside their shed so they could see each other and get used to each others scent,,,,i then took them into a neutral room and introduced them,,after some initial scuffling which was not that pleasent to watch,,,they settled down fine,,and theyre all living in peace n harmony in the large shed,,,,,so id say a jill is the best choice in my opinion..ATB dave

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Thanks for the advice bud im new to ferrets and hunting dogs only had bull breeds before. il look out for another jill. what i was planning on doing was keeping the jill in the run as it has a sleeping box and put the new one in a hutch facing the run and then swoping over bedding before introducing them together

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