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Couple of Q's then to get things in order and moving

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Thanks in advance for any advice it is very much appreciated.


What type of lamp should I be looking at that is easily mobile, gives off a decent beam and has the power duration to last for a coupel of hours?


I currently have been using a large type torch with a rotating handle that allows it be used as a spot light but find the battery only lasts about 20mins if I am lucky so I have use it sparingly at the moment. I use it mainly for spotting owls and seeing if there is anything int he surrounding fields where I live but if I am to take things serious later down the line I want to plan in a budget for stuff and do a bit of research on equipment. As I have no knowledge of spotlights and the terminology that goes with it a few pointers would help me decypher what I am reading.


Do the majoirty of folk approach from downwind with the dog on a lead and release it once it shows signs of being locked on or do they have the dog off lead to let it do its own thing with a bit of guidance?


I am feeling very excited about getting into this and can see myself loving every minute.


Cheers from the ridiculous amateur :)

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There are many,many good lamp and battery combinations on the market,buy something decent,if second hand,check the battery life,dearer set ups will pay in the long term.Starting lamping is best done with a little education from a more experienced lamper,you will learn more in a night than a season of going alone.

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