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stranglers .?

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seen them a few times with hugh fronting absolutely superb,seen them a couple of times with baz fronting them but you cant beat hugh as the frontman,fave song down in the sewer and like crigyboy stated earlier there version of walk on by is the greatest cover song of alltime, jj superb bassist,dave greenfield on keyboards allways reminded me of ray manserak out of the doors, and jet black hit those drums hard ,and still does at the age of 70 f****n awesome

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great band of the 70s, anybody on here like'em .? fav song (5 mins) even Bryn was pogoing to them to day :laugh:


They used to drink in our boozer,and we used to pop up Hugh Cornwalls for parties etc. good lads,good times albeit a long time ago.



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Fave song got to be London Lady which contains one of the best lyrics ever "making love to, the mersey tunnel, with a sausage have you ever been to liverpool" :boogie: . Also love Walk on By and Nice n Sleazy :thumbs:

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