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A first for me.

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I took Molly out for her last walk as usual tonight and as soon as she got into the field she had her head down and was running about like a dafty. There's no rabbits near this field nor have I ever seen a hare in it, I flicked on my hand torch but couldn't see anything. We headed away across the field and when she'd emptied out I made my way back to the gate with Molly walking close behind. When I got to the gate I turned round to find that she wasn't there so gave a whistle and a few seconds later she arrived back with a hedgehog hanging from her mouth. She obviously wanted me to take it off her but I told her to drop it which she reluctantly did, we left it there to continue its travels.


A mate used to have a greyhound bitch that would grab hold of hedgehogs and bite through them but this is the first time in over 25 years of having dogs that I've seen one retrieve a live hedgehog, has anyone else had a similar experience?

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Mine is mad on em, does my head in. Will carry em around like a toy and end up with a bleeding mouth.


What surprised me about tonight is the fact Molly managed to pick it up with the corner of her mouth

and bring it back to me without damaging either the hedgehog or her mouth.

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My old spaniel used to retrieve them ,this spaniel just digs round them and wont pick them up . Its really annoying if you dont see her starting it you have to back track as she wont leave them .

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