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my hw98 is done what do you think

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well guys its done

its had some right time spent over the last few week to get it shooting exactly how a custom gun should

ive stipped and buffed to a mirror finish all the internals steve pope helped me out by sending a full vmach kit before he set off to a convention in a differant country he did tell me but ive forgot now so thanks for that mr pope

i then orderd a rowan extra set back trigger and gaurd in brass and fitted them then set the trigger to a nice light set off while trying to keep it safe and got there in the end after pulling my hair out a few times .

i ended putting the origonal piston seal back in in the end instead of the steve pope one it was not a very good fit for some reason ill have to speak to him about that when hes back and to be honest it was better with the standard one accuracy was exellent before and is even better now and should inprove when every thing has settled down another tin of pellits should do that

i orderd the stock and picked it up today after a three week or so wait well worth the wait and a very tastfull stock has now been fitted so what do you think






and the result at 25 yds

5 shots 177 airarms field 4.52


3 shots at 25 yds


10 shots at the same


going to my pals range later on this week to test at 45 yds 50 yds and 63 yds cant wait :boogy::yes::toast:

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hi buddy

it looks really nice,and by the looks of it groups well too! :thumbs:


I have to send my HW97KT.22 back this week ,its only doing 8ft/lbs :icon_eek: but surprisingly still accurate,but would like it to be around 10.5ft/lbs


good luck on the longer range shots,and keep us updated!





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Hi Craig.



I like to see posts like this :yes: , where people customise thier kit to make it thier own, to personalise it, make it thiers.

Even doing a bit of tuning work to eek out the optimum accuracy, and smooth out the opperation of the action, and internals.


Of course there are those that think this should come as standard, that you should not have to play around with any rifle, but alas, it dosnt work like that.

Achieving what you have got there, rerquires effort and time, and pride in your shooting and your equipment.

You have gone to the extra lengths, the rifle looks stunning, and I hope you enjoy your pride and joy, well done mate very nice job :thumbs:


Just need to tighten up those groups now :whistling::laugh:








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