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septic spots

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just noticed some septic looking spots on my young bitches belly any one any ideas there yellow in colour and theres a handfull of them



It's not a pretty sight but Google "serbaceous cyst on dog". Are they anything like that? If so they can be completely harmless but there is nothing better for peace of mind like getting her checked out at the vets.

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Nettle's do it..just stick a bit of sudo creme on them or something similar used for nappy rash...she will be fine and wont need the vet's.. :victory:

Edited by Millet
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cheers just had quick look but there not cysts there on the surface ,i have cleaned her with salt water and flanal which took the tops off but has now left sore patches on her belly wondering if its out to do with the stream she fell in yesturday but seems strange

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Nettle's do it..just stick a bit of sudo creme on them or something similar used for nappy rash...she will be fine and wont need the vet's.. :victory:

would nettles cause pussy spots they have rubbed off now but still worried?


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Yes mate nettle's will cause them..and they are just starting to grow now so they are really strong..you have nothing to worry about they will go in a day or two..

thanks i will bath her and see how it goes then :thumbs:

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