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starting a dog on fox pre ban

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I personally believe the best way to get youre dog going is to run it on large cubs to start with.The trouble with running two dogs is that most likely the experienced dog will grab the fox by the back end and that only leves the sharp end for the pup.The hardest part of entering to fox i found was the catching like joball says as some foxes can put up a real course for a dog.It may seem unsporting to run cubs but inexperienced quarry is the best quarry to start inexperinced dogs on atb matt

imo this is they way i would be doing it
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The whole thing about running a young dog who hasn't seen much action and has only caught rabbits, is the fact he is running Cold Blooded, by that i mean in his head he's not coming out of his corner

Define "softie" for me mate...coz some of the best fox dogs ive ever seen have been as soft as shite regarding everything bar foxes..atb stabba

the way you describe a soft dog is the way i would describe a neglected beaten dog,scared of its own shadow cowers when shouted at,a soft dog to me is a well mannerd dog out of the field,good with kid

people are telling my to slip my bedlington bull grey cross bull grey .. on a fox single handed.. they say cuz hes a strong dog he will take it.. the worst that can happen is if ur dog aint ready to take it he will run back to before trying to kill it? im stuck for choices?

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you reakon i should slip him on a fox single handed hes 10 months old.. but everyone is telling me to but dont know? 374430_10150648383739340_539824339_9383597_1437135105_n.jpg


Sure everybody knows your dog better than you so why not ?



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you reakon i should slip him on a fox single handed hes 10 months old.. but everyone is telling me to but dont know? 374430_10150648383739340_539824339_9383597_1437135105_n.jpg

why let other people tell you what to do with your dog at the end of it you should no your own dog
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I think it helps a young dog to have another one show it the ropes.

But I suppose everyone enters dogs different and will have different opinions. :thumbs:

it does help but not to many. thats what i want to hear what people think :thumbs:

danny i seen a lad give them double up then he got rid of 1 of them sliped on a fox and the other 1 run slowed down and started to look back for company.
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I think it helps a young dog to have another one show it the ropes.

But I suppose everyone enters dogs different and will have different opinions. :thumbs:

it does help but not to many. thats what i want to hear what people think :thumbs:

danny i seen a lad give them double up then he got rid of 1 of them sliped on a fox and the other 1 run slowed down and started to look back for company.

my young bitch was doubled up until after xmas and has no problem now single and is working around the hole as well .as you said it can happen.seen a young dog being entered at 13 months single by a friend and once the dog got a bit of teeth he started barking back at it that was 10 years ago. the chap wouldn't listen and tough he new it all and the dog never made a fox dog Edited by danny300
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Agree that to double is always best, but the dog must do single after that as stated or I dont feed it.


I have seen some dogs run doubled up and some can hold back waiting for the other dog to catch the red, seen it loads of times, so it does pay to get the young ones running single as quick as you can.

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some dogs are just born fox dogs they take to it easily some need a bit help so if YOU think YOUR dog needs abit help double it up till you can see that its ready simple as that you have to know your dog mate is it a soft fecker or has it got bottle? softiesmake good bunny dogs and tough dogs make good fox/deer dogs

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