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culling the shit ...

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For me culling pigeon's/chicken's and ferret's is a different ball game to culling a healthy dog..

When i was breeding dogs back years ago id say i culled a lot more than i kept which i believe is one of the main reasons i bred better dogs than most......money comes and go,s why flog dogs on,if its

failed or not it stays on my yard -- would`nt breed from it pass it on or cull it ...i`d take the responsability of owing the dog ..

I grew up with racing pigeons so am used to seeing 'pets' culled when they were not upto standards or wrong in anyway. Unfortunately this also taught me not to get attached to animals which i dont really like, especially seems i have a young daughter. When i was a small child id pick a pigeon and name it, get it tame, hand feed it and have it do silly things like land on my shoulder but unfortunately this would all occur as the bird was young and then it would start to be trained and id get upset if it was late home from training and it would really upset me if the bird didnt come home on a race day. Anyway, after all this i stopped caring for pets as pets but as tools for a job so getting rid/culling or losing animals doesnt bother me and if a dogs no good the same as a pigeon it must go, to many and they must go (pups in a litter).

well i take it you have many years experience do draw upon before coming to that desission dont you?,could you give me examples of what would make you want to cull a healthy dog ? ;) btw i wouldnt cull a healthy dog and i wouldnt sell it how wrong is that?
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following on from a thread millit started ---how many of you cull or would cull shit stock be it working dogs ferrets - what ever .. we often see/ hear of people passing them on -- i know my grandad used to train and cull racing pigeons hard they only got one chance to trap well any that hit the house roof ended up in a pie -- he was a top flyer in is day but he had a few whippits that he raced and always hung onto or passed the shit on for pets ,,

what criterea would you apply for culling?

this is what i`m asking say a failed digging dog might make a good bushing dog a bad lamping lurcher might make a good daytime mooching dog horses for coures n all that .. just you read of cast offs being past around when is the time for culling ? failed earth/lamping dog at 2 cull it or pass it on ..

ok what would you do,if your dog failed ,and would you allways blame the dog,or would you take some responsability for it failing ,either way would you cull it?

failed or not it stays on my yard -- would`nt breed from it pass it on or cull it ...i`d take the responsability of owing the dog ..
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following on from a thread millit started ---how many of you cull or would cull shit stock be it working dogs ferrets - what ever .. we often see/ hear of people passing them on -- i know my grandad used to train and cull racing pigeons hard they only got one chance to trap well any that hit the house roof ended up in a pie -- he was a top flyer in is day but he had a few whippits that he raced and always hung onto or passed the shit on for pets ,,

what criterea would you apply for culling?

this is what i`m asking say a failed digging dog might make a good bushing dog a bad lamping lurcher might make a good daytime mooching dog horses for coures n all that .. just you read of cast offs being past around when is the time for culling ? failed earth/lamping dog at 2 cull it or pass it on ..

ok what would you do,if your dog failed ,and would you allways blame the dog,or would you take some responsability for it failing ,either way would you cull it?

failed or not it stays on my yard -- would`nt breed from it pass it on or cull it ...i`d take the responsability of owing the dog ..

fair play to you ;)
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But what about the lads with only enough room for 1 dog..and that dog turns out a shitter? Cull or spend the next 10 years or so with a duff un..i know what i,d do and it wouldnt be lumbered with a shitter...atb stabba

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For the one's that say they'd keep it in their yard, what about if, like many terrierlads, you only have space for 2 or 3 dogs? Surely if your keeping one or two dogs that are shite but you can't part with them for sentimental reasons then you're defeating the object of keeping dogs for the job you want. Personally I wouldn't like to think i was keeping three dogs but only using one, a good saying I've heard is 'it cost's the same to feed a bad 'un as it does a good 'un'.

Edited by Rabbit Hunter
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For me culling pigeon's/chicken's and ferret's is a different ball game to culling a healthy dog..

same as me millit ..

Dont get me wrong i don't like or enjoy the culling of feather and ferret's and i have to work myself over a few day's to do it..

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But what about the lads with only enough room for 1 dog..and that dog turns out a shitter? Cull or spend the next 10 years or so with a duff un..i know what i,d do and it wouldnt be lumbered with a shitter...atb stabba

That's your choice no one is saying it is wrong but it is not my cup of tea..and by the way i have room for a pack of hound's if i felt the need.. :victory:

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For the one's that say they'd keep it in their yard, what about if, like many terrierlads, you only have space for 2 or 3 dogs? Surely if your keeping one or two dogs that are shite but you can't part with them for sentimental reasons then you're defeating the object of keeping dogs for the job you want. Personally I wouldn't like to think i was keeping three dogs but only using one, a good saying I've heard is 'it cost's the same to feed a bad 'un as it does a good 'un'.

i`ve had the room but not had many shitters -- i certainly would`nt pass shit on or breed from it -- i passed one on to my mate as a pet it became his daughters jogging companion went with him in his lorry a bit of a comic/character as pet dogs go they could`nt have wished for better ..
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Probably one of the reason's I don't breed any of my dogs now....it's different if you breed for the right reasons and you can account for the majority of the pups....I don't have an issue with selling on the spare pups for pin money....but I would never breed a dog solely for profit.


I think people...most anyway have an emotional attachment to dogs comparing them to doo's is just daft...most dogs can be put to some use depending on what your looking for....I couldn't and wouldn't cull a healthy dog.

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If you got a dog that aint made the grade but keep it and dont breed from it etc then fair enough every one

to there own, its your own dog, you feed it, you live with it, you walk it.. its the c**ts that keep to breed from

or sell the dog as something its not that make me feel sick..




For me culling pigeon's/chicken's and ferret's is a different ball game to culling a healthy dog..


Why is that millet? is it because you get more attached to a dog and spend more time with them etc?

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