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Absolute Beginner - apologies in advance

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you deserve all the praise mate thats given to you on here,she looks a lovely dog,and by the sound of things you have your head screwed on when it comes to dogs,just keep doing what your doing,she is still a young dog i wouldnt push her,keep on her training an she will be ready for the new season,all the best with her mate

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Sounds like you're working on the right things and doing a good job too. she looks nice and healthy as well. as millet sadi make sure shes ok round sheep while shes still young, they are the davil to break once they have chased livestock so get your retaliation in first!!


best bit of advice i ever had about dog training was dont expect too much but dont accept too little

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Cheers guys. Thank you for the words of encouragment.


I understand she is young and I don't want to push her too far too soon so a good run every so often is all I am looking for at the minute. The golf course sounds good so I'll have a look into it. How should I go about gaining permission as I don't want to be doing anything that could jeopordise anything with her?


I am working on her livestock manners. She has met some horses and not really shown too much apart from jumping behind my legs and then peeking out for a quick "Is the coast clear" glance. Sheep are next on the agenda as they are quite common where we walk but I have so far kept her at an enquisitive distance but I will be working on breaking down the reaction zone so in a few months she should be able to walk amongst them safely like my collies.


I guess the main points for starters are the best times of year and day to head out, the best apprioach methods i.e. on lead or off and is there a major step to getting them out with the lamp to running in dusk.dawn light?


Is it quite tough to gain permission from land owners or are they quite willing to give you a go if you point out the benefits of reducing the risk to livestock and crops?


I aplogise for being quite vague and asking such basics but as i have said I haven't a clue and just need a starting point to go from. I'll be ordering the books as soon as to give me some fundementals and basics but having read a few threads you guys really sound like you know your stuff.

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Cheers guys. Thank you for the words of encouragment.


I understand she is young and I don't want to push her too far too soon so a good run every so often is all I am looking for at the minute. The golf course sounds good so I'll have a look into it. How should I go about gaining permission as I don't want to be doing anything that could jeopordise anything with her?


I am working on her livestock manners. She has met some horses and not really shown too much apart from jumping behind my legs and then peeking out for a quick "Is the coast clear" glance. Sheep are next on the agenda as they are quite common where we walk but I have so far kept her at an enquisitive distance but I will be working on breaking down the reaction zone so in a few months she should be able to walk amongst them safely like my collies.


I guess the main points for starters are the best times of year and day to head out, the best apprioach methods i.e. on lead or off and is there a major step to getting them out with the lamp to running in dusk.dawn light?


Is it quite tough to gain permission from land owners or are they quite willing to give you a go if you point out the benefits of reducing the risk to livestock and crops?


I aplogise for being quite vague and asking such basics but as i have said I haven't a clue and just need a starting point to go from. I'll be ordering the books as soon as to give me some fundementals and basics but having read a few threads you guys really sound like you know your stuff.

id not run her on anything yet mate, especially not golf course rabbits as the nice flat ground and cut grass puts all the odds in there favor!!!!


permission is a bitch to get in the UK sometimes!! just try every farm and keep your fingers crossed!! if you do get any keep it to yourself or TRUSTED friends only, if not then if you cant be good, be careful ;)


livestock breaking is essential if you have permission and more so if not!!! one good way to get caught being somewhere you shouldnt is a dog chasing stock :yes: and alot of so called "poachers" forget this!!!


it will be a long road from here to the finished article, and no one can really answer all your queries in one post on here but you sound like your on the right track ;) good luck :victory:

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Nice looking dog that matey, as has been said just keep having a mooch about and enjoy your dog......and when it comes to dogs and lads inviting you out, chose your own company first and second and be choosy about who you hook up with.

Have fun and keep us informed

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