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Rabbit controll job

Guest little_lloyd

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Guest little_lloyd

Just bin asked to completely ridence a keen gardeners rabbit populaton, about 2acre garden, warrensare on other land so ferreting is out of the question only really have shooting and snaring. Got those shop bought snares but its all i have at the moment so im sticking with them. Most of them ae going to be fence snares but i need a fw others on open runs. Any experienced snares help out?

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Yeppers, I'm sure Woodga will give ye all the help and advise he can. He's a bloody good bloke :yes:


Mheanwhile, Lloyd; Are these two acres completely fenced in, mate? Only, if so, ye should have it just about cracked.


To explain my thinking; I've always taken the view, with pest control, that ye have A. The target area. Place they want to get to and you want to stop them getting to. B. A line around that area where ye 'draw the line' at their escapades. The Perimeter. Secure that against further incursion. Wipe out anything trapped inside it. Job done.


Alright, that's a tad simplistic. But that's the theory. And it's a theory that's suited and worked for me well enough.


So, if ye have physical fences available, they'd be ye Perimeter ~ physichal and psychological. Give ye a place to concentrate on. Saturate that perimeter. Throw absolutely everything ye have at it and leave it there. Make it practically impossible for any more rabbits to come in and see that those trying to get back out don't make it either. Most will have to try to move one way or the other, see? Ye'll get them.


That done, ye can seek out and deal with any harbouring inside and intent on staying there in ye own time. Rifle could provide some good sport on these long warm evenings. Then ye could walk ye Perimeter and check those fence wires.


And, if ye are setting to holes beneath a fence? I shouldn't worry too much that ye have 'inadaquete' or 'the wrong' kit available to ye. Most of my own rabbit wiring has ever been done exactly there. And I've always used 'shop boughts' or else made my own in the most rudimentary manner. I did this for decades, before I ever had a PC to learn I was 'wrong'. I now see that my own way pretty well matches Woodga's - on fences - anyway. He has a far simpler manner of attatchment though. So no harm done; Except to the rabbit populations where I practiced :D


Take the time to go right back to the start of this column, or else try the Search facility. Tons and tons of sound advice back there. Somewhere I remember someone pretty well illustrates as much as ye'd need to know about fence snaring too - Woodga's way ;)

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Guest little_lloyd

Yep theres a fence round most of it :victory: He said there getting through it so thats where i stick me snares :D Might set a few MK6 fenns out or try the cage trap he has in his garage.

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Your shop bought snares arent worth a w...k.Buy some fence snares off me or woodga ya tight twat lol.And its hardly worth using one cage trap on two acres.Where in the country are you from,you should come on one of my snaring courses and learn the art properly ;)

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Guest foxtrack
  lost scouse said:
try pm woodga he,s ye man :)

is woodga some kind of snaring god or something ?

nothing wrong with the snares you buy from thefarm shop there's boys snaring on this site

when woodga was rideing his bmx bike in the school play ground

boys who learnt on thier own over many years of sucsess

and failure not taught by someone else

adapt your own snares as you go mate

dont go with the flow youl leana lot yourselfe ;)

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Guest Ditch_Shitter
  Nikey said:
Well as far as this site goes...maybe not a God but he's probably the most knowledgable snareman on here...well him and Phil.



Mr Waters sounds like he may have a vague clue what to do with bits of wire and such too. No? :whistle:


Anyway; Talk's cheap from a key board.


" Those as can do it Teach it. ".


Woodga's put it on DVD. P&G invites ye to come and be shown how. Mr Waters brings us more innovation and privately, freely given advice than probably any man of his calibre I've yet encountered.


Me? I probably know next to shit about the subject. But I know who I'll listen to ;)

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Guest Rabbiteer

I would have to agree with all that has been said about the advice that can be gained from this forum.


I have had great advice and help from both Woodga and Snareman.


My main source of knowledge has been Chalkwaren. As with the others he has kindly taken time out of his busy schedule to help a newbie.


From zero to this in just a few months.





Cheers Chalkie.

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All I can say is my snaring has been revolutionised overnight by the direct help and guidance of snareman, and indirectly from woodga through this site.


I caught many thousands of rabbits each year back in my day using wires but I am sure my efforts would have been doubly rewarded if I had known what I now know sooner.



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[is woodga some kind of snaring god or something ?

nothing wrong with the snares you buy from thefarm shop there's boys snaring on this site

when woodga was rideing his bmx bike in the school play ground

boys who learnt on thier own over many years of sucsess

and failure not taught by someone else

:icon_redface::laugh::laugh: you do what you want mate iv never forced my opinions on anyone ,there are a several people on this forum who were fortunate enough to have encountered glen waters who is without a question the most knowledgeable trapper and snarer in the country glen helped us so now we help others this snaring of vermin is an emotive subject and the more people who are seen to be employing a high proficency at the art and are obtaining good catches and humanely kill their catch has got to be a good thing you owe it to the target animal your snaring to at least know how to set a snare correctly and not just hope to catch. And you could say iv had a few yrs experiance im knocking on 50 now and iv been snaring rats,rabbits ,hares, foxes and mink for over 40 yrs :tongue2::laugh:

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  foxtrack said:
  lost scouse said:

try pm woodga he,s ye man :)

is woodga some kind of snaring god or something ?

nothing wrong with the snares you buy from thefarm shop there's boys snaring on this site

when woodga was rideing his bmx bike in the school play ground

boys who learnt on thier own over many years of sucsess

and failure not taught by someone else

adapt your own snares as you go mate

dont go with the flow youl leana lot yourselfe ;)


You're a feckin long time learning it on your own.

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well i am going to have my two penneth worth said :D , on this forum there is a wealth of experience on the art of snaring ,people who have been at it since noah let a rabbit off the ark , tools of the trade have progressed and refined to make your catch cleanly and more effective ,yes people have caught thousands the old way but could have caught a lot more if they had modern methods , how many people at the top of there game are willing to show you how to get there ? not a lot they want to keep it that way so you cant be up there with them ,so they stand out :( , now when you get the likes of woodga (to whom i owe a lot ) ,glenn too and phil and chalkwarren ,willing to share there knowledge to help you to master the art ,why knock them down. these guys have sent snares free of charge and given advice to a hell of a lot of people to help them to become adept in snaring to respect the quarry and to out wit them. . you can try yourself but believe me when you set your wires time and time again only to return in the morning empty or knocked you wonder why theres nothing more dis heartening ,these guys tell you why straight away thats where knowl;edge comes in , the feeling you get catching is fantastic ,they day woodga took me catching 3 in 5 peg wires in one field ,will remain with me :yes: ,

anyway thats enough of my two penneth, i have just seen woodga on his penny farthing carrying a bunch of peg wires and rabbits over his shoulder :whistle: , keep a hold rob :D

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:clapper: Too fecking right...

You can't beat a bit of 'further education'.... ;)

Fair play to 'Auld Waters',...he set the standard for others to follow,..and by the looks of the excellent and informative posts freely contributed by Woodga and P&G,...he has left his hard won knowledge in very capable hands... :clapper: Snaring and Trapping is an emotive subject,...if it is to survive over the coming years , it is imperative that any newcomers to the game be taught the right and correct way to use these useful tools.

'The snare must not be abused,.or we will definitely lose it '.... :yes:


All the best,...CHALKWARREN... :drink:

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