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good news and bad

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been waiting for a long time for permission on a large moor to come through and finally on friday i managed to bag it. then friday afternoon i got a phone call from one of the neighbours that lived on the moorside that he had a large number of rabbits in his garden. don't particually like ferreting at this time of year but was that excited i had to go up today and have a go. mabey this is the last crack of the whip as they say as it wont be long before the girls are in season. fabulous day the weather was perfect and managed to cull 25 rabbits but unfortunately it was a cull to keep the old dears happy as 80% of the bunnies was in young.never mind will limit the problems for the residents for a while but the bunnies had to be disposed of so no butchers pennies for me. had a ferreting permit issued by the landowner so i seem to think that the 'gaming' rights are tightening up as i have to have this with me at all times and the police can check this at any time.so poachers beware!

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Good luck with your new permission mate we are getting the same with the 22rimfire lamping a lot of the rabbits that are full of young but we have to show willing or else they will get someone else in to do it i'm sure you will still have plenty there left come the new ferreting season as said good luck with it

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butcher refuses point blank to accept 'milky' meat and prefers to stock his freezer from me at the beginning of the year i do not have dogs so i have no outlet for the meat when it is in this state and my ferrets only eat the livers. have put rabbits into the cages and they 'stash' rather than eat the rabbit flesh and i get concerned with bacterial poisoning so they dont get it. give them raw mince and they will scoff there hearts content but they will not eat rabbit the parky so and so's, have tried a milky doe myself and can taste a 'tinge' to the meat and can understand why the butcher will not put them into the food chain while the rabbits are like this.my butcher is an old ferreter himself and belive you me he knows when a rabbit is milky or if a dogger is trying to pass off dogged rabbits as ferreted rabbits

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