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advice needed please help,

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Hello guys and gals,I need abit of advice, I have a 7month old Jack russel terrier cross that I'm trying to train to hunt rats and rabbits. However he dosnt seem to have any intrest in hunting? I no he is young but he doent seem to show any instint is there anyway I can help him find it? I don't really have any chance to take him out with other terriers, but he does go out with my springers when they hunt, should he be showing some intrest by now? How can't I get him hunting? Any help would be great thanks martyn,

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Let's just say i have been ratting for a year or two now and killed the odd one..

If your dad own's a farm you are laughing.. ..get some tin sheet's layed down near to where you think they maybe rat's and place a bit of wheat or barley underneath..leave them for several day's and

you would wont a big old bath for a french rat tops

Buy a live mouse from your local pet shop and bring him into a playing field or football pitch nearest to your home without the springer. Let the mouse out and then the jrt. If the outcome isn't positive, I'm afraid I would be severely bewitched. Atb

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Hay guys, I don't no if he is from a working strain as I took him in as an unwonted pet, he is starting to use his nose since I've taken the springer out as well but when he comes up against rabbits he shows no intrest? I've got a few live traps set to try and catch a rat, to bring him on properly would it be best to try and find a pack of ratters for him to run with?

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You can only put the quarry in front off him in the field i.e. work him/walk him where there is rabbits ect , you cant teach him too hunt that will be in his make~up or not , though if you perservere you are giving him your best and thats really all you can do , goodluck pal .

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Ok cool, I have taken him out a couple times at night under a lamp and this has made him start using his nose and sort of sent tracking as he follows lines, he seems to be using his nose abit more now when we are out, is it ok to take him out at night or could it confuse him when I try to work him in the day time? Also should I be trying to get him excited when he's hunting? If so what's the best way 2 do it? Cheers for the help so far! I have been setting traps 2 try and catch a live rat or 2! Is it a good idea to let him see a rat in the trap at first to get him used to what he's ment to be hunting?

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This isn't lamping rats as such just taking him out for abit of fun for me and to build his confidence abit more? I have taken him to a few of our chicken sheds at night with the lamp but the rats moved quiker then he could see them it think haha,

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  On 19/03/2012 at 21:38, JRT27 said:

Ok cool, I have taken him out a couple times at night under a lamp and this has made him start using his nose and sort of sent tracking as he follows lines, he seems to be using his nose abit more now when we are out, is it ok to take him out at night or could it confuse him when I try to work him in the day time? Also should I be trying to get him excited when he's hunting? If so what's the best way 2 do it? Cheers for the help so far! I have been setting traps 2 try and catch a live rat or 2! Is it a good idea to let him see a rat in the trap at first to get him used to what he's ment to be hunting?

What you are on about doing is illegal and classed as a form of baiting..if you choose do go down that route dont let the world know... :victory: ..do you have permission and access to rat's in number's..
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