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s200 does its job

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thanks for the replies guys , i feel the love ,seem you missed me, your right tony we keep coming back to this place lol

daz.... the ev2 is away atm down with adi its just been fitted with a nice shiny nickle barrel and the reg is getting stripped and rebuilt we had a weekend down with si and lj (thanks again you two ) where we had the chance to go on the indoor range even the way the ev2 shot that day was very accurate but every few shot the poi would move about 1/2 inch ,so while we were down there i dropped it off at adi's he had a quick look at it and as well as the whole gun needing a good service (which we knew anyway) adi also found score marks in the

barrels rifling hence the reason for the new barrel as well . im just waiting for the call to say .... ive just getting the rapid 7 back this is the one that belongs to work but its been used and abused and is also in a very sorry state they've just bought a new fx cyclone and the rapid never gets used so its mine now lol


atb gary

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its needs some work like barrel is rusted ,,,silencer is glued on,, and the stock has been used as a hammer by the look of it lol but its nearly all cosmetic so im not complaining


atb gary

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thanks for the replies guys , i feel the love ,seem you missed me, your right tony we keep coming back to this place lol

daz.... the ev2 is away atm down with adi its just been fitted with a nice shiny nickle barrel and the reg is getting stripped and rebuilt we had a weekend down with si and lj (thanks again you two ) where we had the chance to go on the indoor range even the way the ev2 shot that day was very accurate but every few shot the poi would move about 1/2 inch ,so while we were down there i dropped it off at adi's he had a quick look at it and as well as the whole gun needing a good service (which we knew anyway) adi also found score marks in the

barrels rifling hence the reason for the new barrel as well . im just waiting for the call to say .... ive just getting the rapid 7 back this is the one that belongs to work but its been used and abused and is also in a very sorry state they've just bought a new fx cyclone and the rapid never gets used so its mine now lol


atb gary


Superb Gary Bud :thumbs:

A Free Rapid to boot :icon_eek:, You stuffy Sod.


atvb Daz :)

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Hi Gary,


It was a pleasure to have you and Darryl over at ours for the weekend mate.


I'm glad you got to the bottom of the slight problem with the evo mate.


We thought the reg might of been playing up a bit didn't we?


Even to say it wasn't singing on full form it was still a very accurate rifle.


Jammy git with the rapid too :tongue2: .



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