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anyone share their dog(s)?

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I've been too busy this year and it's been hard to get the dogs worked enough,I'm the other end of the country to any trusted friends or family so not an option for me unfortuantely.



anyone done this and regretted it?

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Not quite the same but i soetimes take Johnnyboy68s old bitch Gem out with me when i go ferreting, and this year she has been as far as yorkshire with me, and spent two nights at mine in the process.

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A mate of mine to looks after my dogs when i'm away went to take them out for a walk in the field i walk my dogs and when he let them off the lead they all turned around and ran back to my house LOL :laugh:


But i had the same lad's dog house in my yard while he was in a bit of bother ,i had her for over a year until she had to be put to sleep due to cancer ,but i used her as if she was mine and i think she would be still here is she was still alive :thumbs:

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you must both be very trusted by the owners.


does or would anyone else have this arrangement?

you must both be very trusted by the owners.


does or would anyone else have this arrangement?


Aye, i'd say so. I think the thing is with the dog in question, you pretty much just take her a long and she does what she thinks is best, and you dont really give her any instructions, and it's day work, which i think makes a difference. I just dont take her anywhere and do anything we wouldnt normally do. But it is always still in the back of your mind that something could happen. But she is an old bitch and these are her last few working years, so it's good for her to be able to get out as much as possible.

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my mates dad rewards me for taking his dogs or ferrets out for him, im usualy with his son but if not hell ask me just to go out.

its not half bad

never done anything qith them that i wouldnt my own, wouldnt dare damage his dogs


Lumphammer get rewarded by his mates dad too..

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I have taken a friend's dog's out on several occasion's lamping and i would treat them no differant to my own..no one else would be allowed to though but then again i have watched these grow from pup's..i would only let this friend take my dog's out also and no one else on the planet would be allowed..

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