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might need the tip amputating mate if keeps doing it- what have you been wrapping it with? Electrical tape is a really good one, do a layer sticky side up then wrap it around that so it sticks to itself rather than the hair. Had to do it with my undocked spaniel for years so I tried almost everything!

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Had the same trouble with a greyhound dog,i sliped a little bit of light plastic piping over the tip of the tail about 2in in lenght and taped it on done the trick.He was a very excitable dog and would lash his tail of the kennell walls or door when he would hear someone coming near.

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As has been said a piece of hose pipe slipped over the top of the tail and held at the bottom with tape leave the top open so air can get in and sprinkle with wound powder a few times a day to help with the healing ........

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put some carpet around the mesh at the height hes hitting his tail at, is the kennel run large enough to stop him from doing it :hmm: carboard centre from a tiolet roll tapped on with end left open to allow air in works :thumbs:

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  On 19/03/2012 at 18:37, socks said:

As has been said a piece of hose pipe slipped over the top of the tail and held at the bottom with tape leave the top open so air can get in and sprinkle with wound powder a few times a day to help with the healing ........

very nearly snap :laugh: :laugh:
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  On 19/03/2012 at 19:12, digger251 said:

Thanks for the info guys kennel space is plenty the run is 12x8 she had this prob on arrival so just trying to sort it out as I've never had this prob before

it takes a good while to heel proper also good grub helps sounds daft but it makes a difference to the skin.
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Does she only thrash her tail about when you go and see her, or get her out of the kennel? If she does, then train her to sit the moment she sees you. Keep her sitting until you let her out when she can wag her tail as much as she likes.


As far as good healing is concerned, nothing beats a good balanced raw meat and bone diet to promote healing. Dogs fed on mostly cereal based foods will take longer to heal than those fed on good quality diet.

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  On 19/03/2012 at 19:19, skycat said:

Does she only thrash her tail about when you go and see her, or get her out of the kennel? If she does, then train her to sit the moment she sees you. Keep her sitting until you let her out when she can wag her tail as much as she likes.


As far as good healing is concerned, nothing beats a good balanced raw meat and bone diet to promote healing. Dogs fed on mostly cereal based foods will take longer to heal than those fed on good quality diet.

she does tend to thrash it like mad when someone is about got some hose pipe on the tip at mo so im goning to see how i get on with that :thumbs:

Edited by digger251
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The thing is, are you going to keep a bit of pipe or whatever on her tail for the rest of her life? Even once the tail is healed this time, she'll open it up again if she continues thrashing her tail.


It might be better, in the long term, to teach a different behaviour. Say you condition her to sit whenever she sees someone: easy enough to do with tasty treats. I know that training with treats goes against most lurcher mens' attitudes, but some things are best taught on a reward basis. If she thinks that she'll get something nice to eat when she sits, you'll find her sitting rather than standing whenever someone comes near the kennel. The result will mean no more bashed tail.

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