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I do love magpies, but there is no question that they need controlling and I think trapping is probably the best way. I thought this was a bit weird but this cleared it up:


"because he had previously been found guilty of using a spring trap to stop raptors from feeding on his pheasants."


No need to harm any raptor imo...

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Anyone convicted of a wildlife crime is prohibited from using the General licence that means you can't even shoot pigeons or crows and will be held against you for a FAC or SGC.


Is that for life? Seems a bit draconian to me.

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YES remember this the people that make the laws do not LIKE you or what you do with dog/ferret /fishing rod /snare ETC it is DEATH by a thousand cuts and when you see "fieldsportsmen" on these sites posting ilegal nonesense and all fighting among themselves itt's not hard to see how easy it will be. The Law in Scotland has been changed recently I hope the people on the Glasgow Rangers thread on here remember that when they are posting their remarks. When these threads degenerate into festering slanging matches how does that make us look as hunters/dogmen etc think before you post. :icon_eek:

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