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Understand what your saying kenny and I'm not one of those idiots who says they trust their dog 100%..end of the day its a dog and you can't...but I don't see where aggression to people has even came from? The dogs never shown any sign of aggression to a person what so ever.

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Hmmmm Lets take this a wee bit at a time.   The dog   Well, me personally, I don`t view keeping an agressive dog as some sort of heroic thing, trying to protect the breed etc,, thats all bullshit

Buy yourself a nice caravan mate, find a quiet spot, park up and leave all that s**t behind

20 years old and still living with your mum ffs I was killing Germans at your age !!! Take responsability and stop being a whiny little prick .

  On 20/03/2012 at 12:21, dare said:

Understand what your saying kenny and I'm not one of those idiots who says they trust their dog 100%..end of the day its a dog and you can't...but I don't see where aggression to people has even came from? The dogs never shown any sign of aggression to a person what so ever.


I wasn't saying it was you who said about the aggression towards people, so there was no offence meant :thumbs: .

And I agree fully with your statement above, and I mean that about any Dog. It's a shame there aren't more people who realise it. The times I've heard people (usually with a little lap Dog under their arm or on a retractable lead) say; 'he keeps wanting to bite people but I can't punish him, he's only protecting me'.

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ffs thank god you havnt got kids , perhaps then you willhave grown up , and be capable of making dessisions that are really inportant. instead of this crap! good luck i think your going to need it ! :yes:

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  On 20/03/2012 at 11:53, dare said:

Bloody hell..a stafford is bred to be dog aggressive..in the wrong hands is when its a problem such as a new owner. My brothers had experience with the dog can I'm happy he can handle him. A lot more happier than being willing to take a few hundred quid I've been offered by other people. Choice has been made now anyway so that's it sorted.


I don't think they are bred for any such thing......the clue will be in the name most likely!!

I will take a wild guess that you are one of those types that secretly likes the fact that your dog will attack other dogs, rather than drop it in front of something that would be a true test you are happy just to have knacking the occasional scotty dog and then telling your pals down the boozer after.


See through as f**k!

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You couldn't be more wrong wilf. Me saying the dog being dog aggressive and that's a problem in the wrong hands gives you that idea? I have a greater love for the breed as a whole than too add another story into the media..hence not selling the dog to a few interested. The dog attacking another persons pet does f**k all for my ego and anyone like that is the exact type of person who shouldn't even own any dog. Funnily enough it was blokes in their 40s posing in the car park with their curs barking at the end of the lead when I used to go dog shows.

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  On 20/03/2012 at 09:10, lab-tastic said:

Sorry mate but whats being a hero got anything to do with it?? Didn't exactly grow up in a paradise myself , far from it!! But I didn't go around winging about it ffs..... Too me it was the place I grew up and to others it's a shithole. Facts are some folk did ship out, nothing wrong with that is there.

So what in saying to dare is " if you don't like it then do something about it".

I understand you sticking up for the lad cause "ees a bit of a fackin geezer mate" just like yourself treacle...... Lol


:blink: Im not sticking up for anyone......i just remember what it was like being a 20 year old with heroic ol tosspots telling me " when i was your age i was working 360 hours per week for a tin of dripping and a pork pie ".............if folk want to do the blood and guts routine they aint getting a pat on the back off me we all choose our own path if someone decides to do things the hard way thats their problem.

The kid asked a simple question and got a load of ear ache for what was a pretty simple answer.......but i spose some folks bollocks grow when they know they can talk down to a kid.

Edited by gnasher16
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  On 20/03/2012 at 09:57, greg64 said:

well i for one wouldnt stay living in a shithole just because my mates do,and your the biggest hero on thl,youve got something to say on every subject,the dogs you bred were better than most ,you know everthing there is to know about boxing,you could have even won the tour de france if you put your mind to it,i bet you could empty a pub when you walk in,


:hmm: Now let me think..............can i think of one single thing " greg64 " has ever said ?.....errrr no !

Certainly some weird c**ts on here do you keep a diary of everything folk say and think " i know i,ll save that for later "...............f****n oddball !

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  On 20/03/2012 at 23:54, gnasher16 said:
  On 20/03/2012 at 09:10, lab-tastic said:

Sorry mate but whats being a hero got anything to do with it?? Didn't exactly grow up in a paradise myself , far from it!! But I didn't go around winging about it ffs..... Too me it was the place I grew up and to others it's a shithole. Facts are some folk did ship out, nothing wrong with that is there.

So what in saying to dare is " if you don't like it then do something about it".

I understand you sticking up for the lad cause "ees a bit of a fackin geezer mate" just like yourself treacle...... Lol


:blink: Im not sticking up for anyone......i just remember what it was like being a 20 year old with heroic ol tosspots telling me " when i was your age i was working 360 hours per week for a tin of dripping and a pork pie ".............if folk want to do the blood and guts routine they aint getting a pat on the back off me we all choose our own path if someone decides to do things the hard way thats their problem.

The kid asked a simple question and got a load of ear ache for what was a pretty simple answer.......but i spose some folks bollocks grow when they know they can talk down to a kid.



Lets get this hit on the head for a start mate. Dont be getting all up tight and upset because once again a few folk dont agree with the OP or you for that matter, and my bollocks would be the same size whether i was speaking to you or the OP on THL or in the pub. Fact is if you asked me a question you'll get an honest answer...........if any one understood that on here it must be you cause you dont exactly hold back in giving your opinion mate...... :yes:

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  On 21/03/2012 at 07:21, lab-tastic said:

Lets get this hit on the head for a start mate. Dont be getting all up tight and upset because once again a few folk dont agree with the OP or you for that matter, and my bollocks would be the same size whether i was speaking to you or the OP on THL or in the pub. Fact is if you asked me a question you'll get an honest answer...........if any one understood that on here it must be you cause you dont exactly hold back in giving your opinion mate...... :yes:


Labtastic.....i didnt ask you anything....believe it or not everything i say on a subject is not aimed at you..........you dont need to puff your chest out and describe how you would act in a pub this is the internet :blink: ................i cant be arsed with this anymore,have a good day :thumbs:

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oh dear!!!!!!!!!! i cant believe i'm reading this.............you are trying your damndest to hold your mum back from doing something in her life that will benefit her for a dog????? an aggressive one at that????????? you really need to sit and read what you have written and hopefully you will see who is the selfish person in your household, and before you say anything i have three sons 26yrs 24yrs and 20yrs which was a very hard task raising them through the teenage years myself,all 3 have their own homes and lifes now , my son who is same age as you has his own place with his girlfriend and son, he works 2 jobs, goes to college and is hoping to get into university this year.........(he also has 2 dogs),...........if any of them had went on like you over a dog or anything under my roof with my rules then they would have been out with their dog, goodluck to your mum and i hope she is happy in her new house, she deserves it and doesnt need you going on like a brat!!

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  On 21/03/2012 at 09:17, vixen said:

oh dear!!!!!!!!!! i cant believe i'm reading this.............you are trying your damndest to hold your mum back from doing something in her life that will benefit her for a dog????? an aggressive one at that????????? you really need to sit and read what you have written and hopefully you will see who is the selfish person in your household, and before you say anything i have three sons 26yrs 24yrs and 20yrs which was a very hard task raising them through the teenage years myself,all 3 have their own homes and lifes now , my son who is same age as you has his own place with his girlfriend and son, he works 2 jobs, goes to college and is hoping to get into university this year.........(he also has 2 dogs),...........if any of them had went on like you over a dog or anything under my roof with my rules then they would have been out with their dog, goodluck to your mum and i hope she is happy in her new house, she deserves it and doesnt need you going on like a brat!!

Well said :clapper: :clapper:
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