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session at first light

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had a call the other morning from a farmer i've done a fair bit off shooting for for quiet some time now asking if he could pass my number too his mate who was apparently over run with pigeons to be honest i thought it'd be the usual exaggeration but on arrival at the new permission farmer pointed us in the right direction an the birds came thick and fast 13 ferals and a dove which was shot by farmers choice unfortunately went a little quiet for half hour or so before mr crow came calling thinking he was in for a free breakfast so i obliged by giving him a led lunch couple more pigeons fell to the falcon before i was able to drop a brace off magpies before rounding up with last few pigeon ending up with 31 in the bag an a number irretrievable on route back up the the car from barns heard a squirrel chattering from a line off trees so after a short stalk up the hedge clocked him in at about 35yards nice shot right on the money and he came tumbling down and ended in the bag had to take pics when i got back so all in all not a bad couple off hours now time for some sleep before WALES CLINCHED ANOTHER GRAND SLAM!!!


atb phil



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was pleased with the morning to say the least bit off banter with the shooting partner but still by far top shot this season so he's been resigned too spaniel duty lol, plenty off meat for the dogs and ferts when i get round to breasting the lot.

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  On 18/03/2012 at 22:41, Daz 7 said:

Superb Mixed Bag there Bud :thumbs:


I never get numbers like that on My Small Permission :no:,

If i get more than five in a Day, I've had a good Day.


atvb Daz :)


same on the first few i ever had but they've resulted in some good words being given to other farmers

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  On 17/03/2012 at 16:08, marcusp said:

Brilliant shooting! :thumbs: I wish there was that many ferals on my permissions! :(



Funny, whenever I'm out with Capt Shitshot and we find ferals in the barns, I always get Shitters to pop 'em as I find them too easy and it doesn't seem very sporting.

Don't get me wrong, I do shoot ferals if I have to - pest control is pest control. Maybe I'm getting soft in my old age lol!


Good haul though - did they go to a good home Phil?





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