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Shot this bunny - interesting aftermath.

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Basically the dead rabbit got up and started doing the vegetables .

Link won't work on safari give us a description I'm Intrigued lol

But he did shoot from an upstairs window to allow for pellet drop!

it happend to me, I skinned the rabbit with out noticing it twitching, then i cut into the back leg (for the ferrets) and i could feel the twitching up the knife i i cut through the flesh, i had to wait for it to stop as it was rather wierd!

i was like that when I was younger lol!

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As you can see, my videoing skills are on a par with Paulus' photographing skills ;)


Dont be daft, you can tell that is a rabbit :D


On a similar note, my very first thread on a hunting forum many years ago. I titled it 'Alive without a brain' i got called an anti for writing it... :laugh:


Basically one of my young lurchers caught a rabbit, when i got to it, she had eaten its head and one front leg, the chest was open to see inside and the heart was till beating. I stood for 6 minutes and it kept going just as strong. Now 6 mins is a VERY long time for a heart to beat in a headless animal but it did happen ;)

Some freaky schitt does happen when you're taking a lot of animals. Even stranger, now it all seems normal lol ! :laugh:

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Nerves mate if you head and tail a dog fish skin it put it in a bowl of water it will try and swim it's crazy try it atb donk


I occasionally bring the odd doggy home for the animals. I beheaded and gutted one once, and when I chopped it up hours later at home to boil it up, all the chopped up peices started wiggling on the chopping board! :icon_eek::laugh:

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Nerves mate if you head and tail a dog fish skin it put it in a bowl of water it will try and swim it's crazy try it atb donk


I occasionally bring the odd doggy home for the animals. I beheaded and gutted one once, and when I chopped it up hours later at home to boil it up, all the chopped up peices started wiggling on the chopping board! :icon_eek::laugh:


You chopped up a doggy? :cray: :cray: I thought you were Welsh not Korean :sorry::)

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Nerves mate if you head and tail a dog fish skin it put it in a bowl of water it will try and swim it's crazy try it atb donk


I occasionally bring the odd doggy home for the animals. I beheaded and gutted one once, and when I chopped it up hours later at home to boil it up, all the chopped up peices started wiggling on the chopping board! :icon_eek::laugh:


You chopped up a doggy? :cray: :cray: I thought you were Welsh not Korean :sorry::)



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What about eels then? My OH used to fish for them, and cook them to make jellied eels: once chopped the head off one and let my old dog eat it. She was trying to suck it into her mouth while the headless body wrapped round her muzzle: wish I'd been able to film it, dead freaky!

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Hi guys, I'm sure most of you will have seen this before, but its the first time I've had a recording device to hand when its happened.


I shot this buck rabbit just before I left for home (1/4 mile away) and it went from being head shot to my kitchen in less than 10 minutes.

Usually I've seen this effect after I've skinned the 'patient', but this time my lurcher pup touched the bunny's back with her nose and triggered off the reaction.


<embed width="440" height="420" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://v5.tinypic.co...file=k2fd6s&s=5">



As you can see, my videoing skills are on a par with Paulus' photographing skills ;)

Never mind the twitching rabbit thats some shooting Duncan......................... :whistling::D

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