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Can anyone advise on retrieving....both my bitches have taken to eating the rabbit before i get to them....there getting quite good at it to.

the older bitch will stay and eat so usually gets the legs off it before i get to her and the younger bitch just keeps running till its finished ! and she is faster than me!

neither used to do it....wouldn't say the brought it back to hand either but never this bad.

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Can anyone advise on retrieving....both my bitches have taken to eating the rabbit before i get to them....there getting quite good at it to.

the older bitch will stay and eat so usually gets the legs off it before i get to her and the younger bitch just keeps running till its finished ! and she is faster than me!

neither used to do it....wouldn't say the brought it back to hand either but never this bad.

i'll admit ive never heard of a dog regressing to do this, they usually start off doing it and grow out of it,


what sort of relationship do you have with them, that both of them have taken to it,,


im not sure if retrieving is your biggest problem bud ,,

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Retrieving always suffers when there's more than one dog on the scene, unless you are a very good trainer and can teach both dogs to leave the other dog's rabbits alone! Not easy at all! Unfortunately, now that they've both learned the delights of eating their catches, you're going to find retraining good habits an up hill struggle. But you have to take them out separately or you've no chance at all.

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