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How long to wait for vasectomized hob after op

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Op went ahead this morning and everything fine he told me to wait 8 week so the majority of you were right in saying that, he also said that theres a chance my hob could become fertile again, just wondered if any of you lot had this happen to you or know any that have become fertile again cheers Phil :thumbs:

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Op went ahead this morning and everything fine he told me to wait 8 week so the majority of you were right in saying that, he also said that theres a chance my hob could become fertile again, just wondered if any of you lot had this happen to you or know any that have become fertile again cheers Phil :thumbs:


Yep! wound up with 76 kits, you live n learn, vet told me he had sent the trimmings away to be assesed, gave me the green light, soon turned red.

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I wonder if sending the bits away is a bit of a get out clause for vets too. As in if you don't do it then find out the opp didn't work you can't complain. I declined to send the bits away as it cost as much as the op its self.

My jill is either pregnant or having a phantom pregnancy only time will tell I guess

Just wondering how I will stand with the vet if it hasn't worked.

Sorry Phil for going bit off tangent

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I told the vet at the time that I had a few jills, so needed the OP to work, he said he would send of the bits he had trimmed from my hob to have them checked, he said they had been checked and were the right bits, so let him plough on, which he did, and I wound up with 76 kits :censored:

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Did you have them all put down ? Personally if mine is I will have too have them put down then I will have both jills spayed and the hob castrated and that will be it job done which in hind site I should have done in the first place but I took the vets advice

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My vet wanted £50 for the bits to be sent away so im jst hoping everything going to be ok as i declined the offer, but surely if there charging you for the op they shud know wat there doing he told me that the pipes could fuse bck together at anytime then the hob will become fertile again? Bloody hope not!!

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Aye its the same with a human but the tubes are bigger so they can tie them in a knot , Can you imaging the problems if they knit together a year or two down the line ?.

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