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Court this afternoon

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good stuff mate old jezzer kyle would be proud of you

Well done mate, enjoy your lad. I fought for a year for my lad he's been living with me now since just after his 1st birthday, he was 5 last week.  

Hi. So you think your ex took you to court just to look good. What planet are you on? Then he messed up after a few months and you decided that he can't see them anymore! It sounds like you are the bi

  On 15/03/2012 at 19:50, Marvin said:

Awesome dude, good on ye, well im off down the pub for a few celebratory smiths, and a drown my sorrows one as Marvin has now sat and eat a Specials CD, i hope it rips him a new arse tomorrow when he shits it out :thumbs:

could have been worse could have been a fun boy 3 cd :laugh: now that would give him the s*its :laugh:
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Well done! :good: They should crack down on spiteful women who use their own kids as weapons to hurt ex partners with, they're the lowest of the low IMO..


My youngest brothers alky ex mrs started all that nonsense with their daughter. Told him he wasn't going to see her again and to see a solicitor. To cut a very long and painful story short, in the end it backfired on her spectacularly and he now has residency and she's not allowed unsupervised contact.. :thumbs:

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Good result, happy for you :D


My ex 'fought' me in court to see the kids (in reality he was just trying to get at me and make himself look good). I tucked away my own feelings and tried to be amicable and accommodating to his schedule for their sake. Within a few months he'd breeched his own order by not contacting them or seeing them and claiming it was because he didn't have any money :blink: A year since he's seen them - because I won't let him now, they deserve better than that - and he still takes every chance to make my life a misery and hurl abuse at me. He's a bitter, hateful, drunken b@stard and neither use nor ornament to my fabulous kids.


It can be hard to be a proper parent - as opposed to a visitor - when there are hard feelings between you and your ex. I hope the road smooths out for both of you which, in turn, will make it easier for your son.

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