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won my ESA tribunal HURRAY!

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got to say i disagree ............if your off work with an injury your entitled to benafits,,,,,, thats why we pay national insurance,,, thats eactly what its for....   and whilst i dont know this

And that was before the internet!

ok, so your unable to tile and plaster due to a bad leg, but dont tell me theres no other type of work you could manage ya lazy sponging fecker and fecking bragging about it an all bet your kids ar

You will have these c**ts thinking some obese yank lol

I'll gee u a fat lip the next time I see u ya bead rattling b*****d

Sorry mate couldn't resist lol

Lol........ To be fair I don't know where the fat stuff comes from mate. But f**k me it's funny... Lol
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ok, so your unable to tile and plaster due to a bad leg, but dont tell me theres no other type of work you could manage :hmm: ya lazy sponging fecker :yes: and fecking bragging about it an all :blink: bet your kids are dead proud o thee

Ffs......... Lol

it pisses me off mate,ive never claimed feck all, 15 yrs ago i was the victim of an attempted murder,i was off work with injuries for 3 mths, i didnt claim feck all, the way i see it, its your life and your family and its your responsibility to look after em, not the fecking governments :thumbs:

Up until my mum took ill a few years back I may well have thought exactly the same as yourself mate. But seeing her 2 mins from death door and struggle back to a somewhat normal life I have realised the benefit system is nothing short of a joke. She is constantly challenged on her fitness and basically has been forced back to work to make ends meet. Then I see these junkie b*****ds getting all sorts and the usual c**ts standing outside the pub everyday smoking and drinking there dole money away claiming every f*****g benefit under the sun. I'd like to tie they b*****ds to the back of the jeep and drag them down the road!!!!

I'll just add that if the OP is unfit to work them yes get a little back but don't milk it ffs....:-)


Lab mate, people read the paper and think people who actually need benefits live a charmed life and get handed out money on a whim. It's only the honest people who end up at tribunals and have to constantly prove their fitness. :yes: It's all down to what you put down on the questionaires. The employes at the centres don't read through each application and judge accordingly, they scan read them and have a list of words they look for to disqualify the claimant. Those who abuse the system know exactly what to say and exactly what not to say after years on it and never get pulled up on it, while others who might genuinely need some support for a time and fill the forms in honestly get feck all or get pulled in for medicals with state employed doctors who are instructed to slip you up. Same applies with them as with the people who are in charge of the forms, they hear any certain words and they immediately rule against you no matter what medical evidence you have..

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ok, so your unable to tile and plaster due to a bad leg, but dont tell me theres no other type of work you could manage :hmm: ya lazy sponging fecker :yes: and fecking bragging about it an all :blink: bet your kids are dead proud o thee

Ffs......... Lol

it pisses me off mate,ive never claimed feck all, 15 yrs ago i was the victim of an attempted murder,i was off work with injuries for 3 mths, i didnt claim feck all, the way i see it, its your life and your family and its your responsibility to look after em, not the fecking governments :thumbs:

Up until my mum took ill a few years back I may well have thought exactly the same as yourself mate. But seeing her 2 mins from death door and struggle back to a somewhat normal life I have realised the benefit system is nothing short of a joke. She is constantly challenged on her fitness and basically has been forced back to work to make ends meet. Then I see these junkie b*****ds getting all sorts and the usual c**ts standing outside the pub everyday smoking and drinking there dole money away claiming every f*****g benefit under the sun. I'd like to tie they b*****ds to the back of the jeep and drag them down the road!!!!

I'll just add that if the OP is unfit to work them yes get a little back but don't milk it ffs....:-)


Lab mate, people read the paper and think people who actually need benefits live a charmed life and get handed out money on a whim. It's only the honest people who end up at tribunals and have to constantly prove their fitness. :yes: It's all down to what you put down on the questionaires. The employes at the centres don't read through each application and judge accordingly, they scan read them and have a list of words they look for to disqualify the claimant. Those who abuse the system know exactly what to say and exactly what not to say after years on it and never get pulled up on it, while others who might genuinely need some support for a time and fill the forms in honestly get feck all or get pulled in for medicals with state employed doctors who are instructed to slip you up. Same applies with them as with the people who are in charge of the forms, they hear any certain words and they immediately rule against you no matter what medical evidence you have..

It's been an eye opener to me anyway mate that's for sure. The fact that my mum was a fit woman, walked her dogs for miles upon miles everyday as well as having 2/3 part time jobs on the go and the minute she needs a little help she has to go through shite upon shite and forms ion forms to prove she is unwell. Ffs can't a simple check with her doctor confirm her it!!!! Aaaaarrrggghhh the blood temp is up....... Lol
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Guest cookiemonsterandmerlin

So what makes a genuine claim I sure dont see how a person who can do any form of outdoor sport be in need of sick benefit .


You dont have to be a brain surgeon to see there is quite a large minority on THL who do very litttle in terms of work but can manage alot of hunting.


Now I do alot of hunting as I work hard and get paid well which allows me to indulge my passion.


But I am sure not expecting any of you guys to pick up my household bills well I am off on a jolly hunting.


ATB Cookie

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ok, so your unable to tile and plaster due to a bad leg, but dont tell me theres no other type of work you could manage :hmm: ya lazy sponging fecker :yes: and fecking bragging about it an all :blink: bet your kids are dead proud o thee

Ffs......... Lol

it pisses me off mate,ive never claimed feck all, 15 yrs ago i was the victim of an attempted murder,i was off work with injuries for 3 mths, i didnt claim feck all, the way i see it, its your life and your family and its your responsibility to look after em, not the fecking governments :thumbs:


the c**t should of finished you

bigger men have tried mate, and it wasnt a kunt it was 4 kunts


:hmm: ..................JLS ?

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i,m painter by trade .wrecked my knee waited 9 months for operation that did,nt work .tryed to fill in benefits form to claim sick money while i was off.was,nt the best of readers ,asked for a little help ..basically told to fxck ff ..so walked out signed my self off the sick went back to work and suffered ever since.i agree with people claiming for sickness benefit who gen can,t work, but refuse to accept the piss heads and smack rats getting money for there addiction.might ask tommorow if theres a claim for a spending addiction cause my wife has defonatly got a case.

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i,m painter by trade .wrecked my knee waited 9 months for operation that did,nt work .tryed to fill in benefits form to claim sick money while i was off.was,nt the best of readers ,asked for a little help ..basically told to fxck ff ..so walked out signed my self off the sick went back to work and suffered ever since.i agree with people claiming for sickness benefit who gen can,t work, but refuse to accept the piss heads and smack rats getting money for there addiction.might ask tommorow if theres a claim for a spending addiction cause my wife has defonatly got a case.


I've had 4 knee ops, two bouts of injections and countless scans & X-rays over the last three years and it's only now I've been referred to a proper knee doctor and am now waiting for another double op. My wife went back to work full time as soon as the little one was big enough for me to manage about the house, and even though we're slightly worse off it was such a relief to come off the sick and not have to bother with the hassle of constantly having to prove that I'm suffering. I kid you not, sometimes i think it would have been easier to be a junkie or alky and have had a social worker speak for me and fill in forms rather than a normal guy with knackered legs..

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Same as me malt first time I asked my company to Kay me off for a few months. Went into the benefits office. Lasted 10 mins before telling them to ram it. I know Lads who claim to be f****d up in the head and can't leave the house. Dont stop them drinking everyday and popping blues like smarties. Get everything going even got thier sisters and mothers claiming care allowance for them. Apart from them being alkies and scum bags there f**k all wrong with them. Must have very gullible drs is all I can say. Same old they get to continue and the folk who really need it get shafted.

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The trouble these days is that there are so many abusing the benefits system that many people view ALL those that use it, including the genuine ones, with contempt. It's a sad state of affairs. Anybody is entitled to use the benefits system when necessary and should not be ashamed to do so, it's there to support you when times are hard. Genuine people are affraid and ashamed to use it and find it an utter struggle to do so anyway yet the scourge of cheats that seem to be the stereotype enjoy the easy life it gives them. How do you go about fixing such a messed up system?

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The trouble these days is that there are so many abusing the benefits system that many people view ALL those that use it, including the genuine ones, with contempt. It's a sad state of affairs. Anybody is entitled to use the benefits system when necessary and should not be ashamed to do so, it's there to support you when times are hard. Genuine people are affraid and ashamed to use it and find it an utter struggle to do so anyway yet the scourge of cheats that seem to be the stereotype enjoy the easy life it gives them. How do you go about fixing such a messed up system?


Why shouldn't you be ashamed? If you can work and don't, I would for one consider it a f*****g disgrace. No-one owes you anything, you have to earn it and a big problem is when people think they DESERVE to be able to sit around and let others pay their bills because they have paid a bit in tax. I know you mean genuine people, I didn't misread it, but if the OP is a genuine case then so am I, I couldn't be a tiler or plasterer either, so guess what? I work in an office, I f*****g hate it but I am not a scrounger. Also, if my leg got injured tomorrow I wouldn't suddenly decide sitting in an office was too hard for me.

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The trouble these days is that there are so many abusing the benefits system that many people view ALL those that use it, including the genuine ones, with contempt. It's a sad state of affairs. Anybody is entitled to use the benefits system when necessary and should not be ashamed to do so, it's there to support you when times are hard. Genuine people are affraid and ashamed to use it and find it an utter struggle to do so anyway yet the scourge of cheats that seem to be the stereotype enjoy the easy life it gives them. How do you go about fixing such a messed up system?


Why shouldn't you be ashamed? If you can work and don't, I would for one consider it a f*****g disgrace. No-one owes you anything, you have to earn it and a big problem is when people think they DESERVE to be able to sit around and let others pay their bills because they have paid a bit in tax. I know you mean genuine people, I didn't misread it, but if the OP is a genuine case then so am I, I couldn't be a tiler or plasterer either, so guess what? I work in an office, I f*****g hate it but I am not a scrounger. Also, if my leg got injured tomorrow I wouldn't suddenly decide sitting in an office was too hard for me.


You have your opinion and I have mine. I wasn't passing judgement on the OP, that's up to the relevant governmental body. It's my beliefe that genuine people in times of hardship DESERVE the benefits they are entitled to. And yes that is 'owed' to an individual by the government, that's why we pay our taxes, so it IS owed. And if you know that I mean genuine folks and agree with my statement then why the f**k comment on it?


Lets all hope you are never put in a situation where you can't support yourself or your family.

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If I had a fecking pound for every time I heard the words uttered, I'm/ we're entitled usually by folks who have never done a days work in their life, then I'd be a wealthy man.

As my old man often said, there's people who would wear a strait jacket before a working jacket.

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