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won my ESA tribunal HURRAY!

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So happy I won my sick benefit tribunal.... i wanted to post it here haha..

i was pretty nervous.. especially when they were shocked i had no soliciter there with me.. I walked in and the doctor there seemed pretty much on my side.. agreeing that with the way my leg/foot is theres no chance of me plastering/tiling.. he definatly knew the deal, and thourughly examined my medicle documents from the multiple specialists ive seen.... the judge.. well i felt like he was trying to catch me out but i guess he was just doing his job....

I must of walked in and they thought "this is a waste of time he has a friggen moon boot on and crutches!" cos during there decision making time i hadnt even had a chance to sit down before they had made there mind up... anyways


happy happy!.. now waiting for my back payment from the horrible gits!

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got to say i disagree ............if your off work with an injury your entitled to benafits,,,,,, thats why we pay national insurance,,, thats eactly what its for....   and whilst i dont know this

And that was before the internet!

ok, so your unable to tile and plaster due to a bad leg, but dont tell me theres no other type of work you could manage ya lazy sponging fecker and fecking bragging about it an all bet your kids ar

ok, so your unable to tile and plaster due to a bad leg, but dont tell me theres no other type of work you could manage :hmm: ya lazy sponging fecker :yes: and fecking bragging about it an all :blink: bet your kids are dead proud o thee

Ffs......... Lol

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ok, so your unable to tile and plaster due to a bad leg, but dont tell me theres no other type of work you could manage :hmm: ya lazy sponging fecker :yes: and fecking bragging about it an all :blink: bet your kids are dead proud o thee




Got to admit, I thought exactly the same, as I bet do loads of others reading this.

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ok, so your unable to tile and plaster due to a bad leg, but dont tell me theres no other type of work you could manage :hmm: ya lazy sponging fecker :yes: and fecking bragging about it an all :blink: bet your kids are dead proud o thee

Ffs......... Lol

it pisses me off mate,ive never claimed feck all, 15 yrs ago i was the victim of an attempted murder,i was off work with injuries for 3 mths, i didnt claim feck all, the way i see it, its your life and your family and its your responsibility to look after em, not the fecking governments :thumbs:

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ok, so your unable to tile and plaster due to a bad leg, but dont tell me theres no other type of work you could manage :hmm: ya lazy sponging fecker :yes: and fecking bragging about it an all :blink: bet your kids are dead proud o thee

Ffs......... Lol

it pisses me off mate,ive never claimed feck all, 15 yrs ago i was the victim of an attempted murder,i was off work with injuries for 3 mths, i didnt claim feck all, the way i see it, its your life and your family and its your responsibility to look after em, not the fecking governments :thumbs:


got to say i disagree ............if your off work with an injury your entitled to benafits,,,,,, thats why we pay national insurance,,, thats eactly what its for....


and whilst i dont know this guys predicament,,, its got to be hard to get another job with your leg in a sling,, cant see many employers going out of there way to employ somome like that

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ok, so your unable to tile and plaster due to a bad leg, but dont tell me theres no other type of work you could manage :hmm: ya lazy sponging fecker :yes: and fecking bragging about it an all :blink: bet your kids are dead proud o thee

Ffs......... Lol

it pisses me off mate,ive never claimed feck all, 15 yrs ago i was the victim of an attempted murder,i was off work with injuries for 3 mths, i didnt claim feck all, the way i see it, its your life and your family and its your responsibility to look after em, not the fecking governments :thumbs:


And that was before the internet! :laugh:

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ok, so your unable to tile and plaster due to a bad leg, but dont tell me theres no other type of work you could manage :hmm: ya lazy sponging fecker :yes: and fecking bragging about it an all :blink: bet your kids are dead proud o thee

Ffs......... Lol

it pisses me off mate,ive never claimed feck all, 15 yrs ago i was the victim of an attempted murder,i was off work with injuries for 3 mths, i didnt claim feck all, the way i see it, its your life and your family and its your responsibility to look after em, not the fecking governments :thumbs:


And that was before the internet! :laugh:

fecking class mate :laugh:

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Guest cookiemonsterandmerlin

For a start I and others dont know the full story and I have based my reply on the information you have posted and on your profile etc.

And you have posted this on public forum so you will have to expect postive as well as negtive replys.


First huge respect to you for serving in the army :thumbs:


But thats the only postive for me I hope the judge does not read your profile hobbies hicking rambling :icon_eek: yet cant manage to work ummm.


There is a bizzare fact of your post that you claim to be sick yet have and are seeking a active hobby running dogs etc which all in entail walking etc :icon_eek: .


So if you think I am pleased for you think again :cray:


Jog on sonny Cookie

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Guest cookiemonsterandmerlin

Here a pasted copy of a statement of the type of ground he is claiming to tackle once the plaster is off yet a flat fllor in a bathroon will be a struggle :icon_eek:




the type of terrain Im usually on is hilly tough ground, boggy marsh land and forestry :laugh:



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no im not seeking an active running dog this instant.. infact if you read most my posts learning about running dogs youll notice nearly all of them say something about when im well enough to walk it the distance needed.. that would be just daft.


sure i could do something else.. like pen push all day.. however after the training...which would take i dont know how long.. of whatever it is i would do.. i would then be told not to bother thanks to health and safety and the fact that my leg is constantly stuck out for the time being... i actually didnt claim anything for the first 2-3 month due to.. well .. i've never claimed anything in my life, didnt even know how to go on the sick at first and i figured id be back at work not long after...i love my job and hate not being able to do it.. however when its been as long as it has been, there comes a point where you cant live on what you already made when your just a small business... Unfortunatly!


of course it reads in my profle that my hobbies are all out door things.. infact that was one of the questions.. doesnt actually mean im doing those things right now..


anyways.. ive been on this forum long enough to know that theres gonna be a few people trying to bring a mood down... i wouldnt of put this up if i was worried about it eh :)

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