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Somthing is wrong?

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Ok, So i posted on her afew days ago, asking about a ferret of mine who was having green poop, that after a while went to being black!


Today, His poop has gone almost seedy and gone back to being green! He is also moving around really strangly! He is dragging his behind around and he is not using left hind leg at all, Almost as if it was injured.

But i have not seen him get hurt or anything! He has just been in his cage the whole time.


I found out that my brother bought a new brand of kibble the day before he got ill. Could this have somthing to do with his problems?


Should i just switch to fresh chicken meat for the moment and see if he gets better?


Help soon would be really good!




May i just add, that dispite all his problems, He does not actually 'look' ill! He is playing and trying to run.

Edited by Omarburgs
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You ever heard of a vet? :huh:


Well I wanted to make sure that it was somthing that was worth visiting the vet for, because the vets are ages away from my house......and i don't have a car at the moment, So I was hoping someone could save me a long trip!

maybe someone knows what this is, or what i could do?

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Take it too a vet fellah.... If he anit useing his back legs ect then theres deffo something up 100% and no one on here will be able to help you the way the vet will as they see the problem in the fleash instead of guessing..

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Ok, So i posted on her afew days ago, asking about a ferret of mine who was having green poop, that after a while went to being black!


Today, His poop has gone almost seedy and gone back to being green! He is also moving around really strangly! He is dragging his behind around and he is not using left hind leg at all, Almost as if it was injured.

But i have not seen him get hurt or anything! He has just been in his cage the whole time.


I found out that my brother bought a new brand of kibble the day before he got ill. Could this have somthing to do with his problems?


Should i just switch to fresh chicken meat for the moment and see if he gets better?


Help soon would be really good!




May i just add, that dispite all his problems, He does not actually 'look' ill! He is playing and trying to run.

FFS! he's moving around strangely and dragging his back end around, not using one leg at all.......but he doesn't look ill???? how many more signs of not looking right do you want to see before you do something about it?


The vets are far away?? get a taxi or a bus, or get on your bike.

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Normally I'm the first one to jump on people for straight away giving the bog standard 'get it to a vet' reply but ffs, it hasn't been right for days and is getting worse. It should have been to a vet days ago. :doh: It might be too late now..

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I think it could be the anal gland pal , the ferret may have a small infection that has caused a blockage , resulting in odd sh*t and causing some irritation so the ferret is dragging it's arse trying to stop it irritating, get it to the vet they will empty the anal gland and you should recieve ome medication for it .


Atb mate JD

Edited by J.DOG
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Guest cookiemonsterandmerlin

Normally I'm the first one to jump on people for straight away giving the bog standard 'get it to a vet' reply but ffs, it hasn't been right for days and is getting worse. It should have been to a vet days ago. :doh: It might be too late now..


Malt why jump on members for giving advice to go straight to vet :hmm:


At the end of the day we may know alot about ferrets as owners and maybe more than some vets but they is naff all that we can do sat on the internet to make a ferret that is ill better for another member.


My thought on this case is that alot of new kibble has alfa a base to cut costs giving a very low protein value and casuing it to poo green .


What make kibble ?


How old is ferret?


It sure has alot of digestive tract problems and can have numerous causes


ATB Cookie

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The thing is, after my last ferret died i have not been too keen on the Vets.... Because She was 1 and a half years old, Health and well, then all of a sudden she was really week and ill!

I took her to the Vets and they said, its most probably somthing to do with her being in heat, The gave her the jab, then 2 days later she died from not eating!

I went back to them after paying like £40 and they said they must have got it wrong, and it was most probably somthing else wrong with her.


Soooo I don't feel 100% confident in them.


I think that if i can find a way of looking after him myself naturally, it could be better.


When i said he does not actually loook ill, i mean... The way he is acting, because he does not show signs of being tired or sick.

He gets up, runs jumps and plays.


I Moved him into his own cage just to make sure he is not spredding anything around. I gave him fresh chicken this morning instead of Kibble, buutt he just hid it. Later on he pooped in the same corner he hid it in!!


So i cleaned it out, and put in an egg, He started wolfing that down.


It looks like he needs easy smooth things to eat.

He did not look like he had lost his appetite when i brought out the egg.


About the leg! Its his left leg, and it actually now seems to look like he has injured it more than anything........ Though i am know sure how!! He is limping and he does not want it being touched.


His poop is still Green.


I will update you again in the morning.



Ps, He has stopped dragging his bum around, he only has the limp now, His eyes are wide open and he looks happy.

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Malt why jump on members for giving advice to go straight to vet :hmm:



Because its usually the first and only advice that's given on an ailment thread and its usually done in a high handed way. It doesn't take 2 minutes to advise how to look after a sick animal until such time they can take it to a vet. :thumbs:

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