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Moderator Notification

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Hi guys, should you write to your feo if you have acquired a moderator? On my certificate it allows myself to have one...i've just received it and was wandering if i should write to them and let them know i have a moderator for one of my rifles now (as i would if i had bought a rifle)...?



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Hi if u don't mind me chucking a quick question into this thread I'm curious of the answer,I have 3 rifles 223 and moderator that mod is used for that rifle only..17 hmr and moderator but this is a sak wmr mod, so the question is, I have a 22lr with moderator on my cert the mod on the 17 will work on the 22 fine, so can I use this one on both rimmys and do I still have to notify the feo of my intentions to use it for both rifles?? Then in theory I can use the mod slot for the 22 to trade as a 1 for 1 in the future as this is classed as a firearm if ya know what I mean



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