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Bull cross beddy/whippet

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Guest joball

Everyone saying they'll make good fox dogs, personaly i thino they will lack pqce to catch them, also make good bashing dogs, will they have the nose will they be able to work like a bushing dog does? Even purpose bred bushing dogs dont make the grade. Also ferreting will they be fast another or even fast another of the mark to nail bolters. Personal I carnt see them being any good and i'd of done something else with them. Bit you nevet know someone might be lucky and get one that will be abit of a throw back to the whippety side of things or even have the nose of the beddy for bushing. Anyway alb to the future new owners I hope you get lucky.

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Fair comment and given the chance she would of had the morning after jab but we dont live in a perfect world and sh*t happens, one of the pups was homed as soon as the chap knew there was a pregnancy based on the sires working ability and the stock he came from, he said he would of tried one regardless of what the dog had covered, they might turn out handy little dogs I apprecciate what your saying about reds people who know the game will know when a red is in its stride on open ground this wont be the cross for it, but I think the people who are having these pups know what the crack is and will probably work them as they see fit, not all dogs can make the grade but you have to try em to find out atb nasher

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