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my wee bull x lucher pup

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Alright lads heres a few pics of my wee pup ive had her since 8 weeks or so and she is now about 16 weeks its my first pup ive had and i think shes coming on well also my staffy hommers in a few let me know whats you all think




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mate to be honest dont really know for sure as im only starting the game but i was told it was something let 3/4 grey 1/4 bull :huh: as i said dont really know much about this part so he could have told me anything ive a pic of the pups mum i can stick try and put on if you want mate

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Chuck it up but unless you see both parents it could be anything but that means fick all a 3/4 x1/4 is a good mix real good dogs but the most important thing is the parents were both doing the job it doesn't matter about percentages mate I was just curious also don't ever get a dog on looks best dog I had was the ugliest looking bitch you could imagine but f**k did she do the job on anything anyway hope pup works out for you atb donk

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  On 12/03/2012 at 16:25, donkdaniel said:

Chuck it up but unless you see both parents it could be anything but that means fick all a 3/4 x1/4 is a good mix real good dogs but the most important thing is the parents were both doing the job it doesn't matter about percentages mate I was just curious also don't ever get a dog on looks best dog I had was the ugliest looking bitch you could imagine but f**k did she do the job on anything anyway hope pup works out for you atb donk


i got her of my mate chum and its mums doing the bussiness and he told me the da was the same so i took his word for it cuz hes a good mate a mine and he takes me out with him alot so thats how he knew i was after one so just have to wait know to see if mine does the job :)

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  On 12/03/2012 at 16:29, donkdaniel said:

I don't now if it's just the angle or what but mother looks a bit snowty like and English bull ? Lovely looking bitch though hope pup works out for you dude

i agree mate would deffo say thats got english bull init,would say the pup is more than quarter bull to looks like a stocky little fecker

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