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All new to this but cant get enough.

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Hi there. Been reading all your reports and thought I might have a go. I bought my first ferret three weeks ago. I had nt ferreted before but my father in law who I shoot with had owned some a few years back. I bought him late in the season I realise now, I saw him advertised fairly local and decided to pick him up on the friday night, I had an old rabbit hutch so stuck him in there on the night I got him. The following day I went to work and asked the father in law to see if any of his old mates had a little jill we could buy. So came home on the sat and spent all afternoon building a two tier cage for them both. Got that all sorted then started to think about nets etc so the father in law finds 9 old nets in the cupboard and I bought ten on ebay. Then I cant wait to try it all out so the following weekend I got up early with my son whos 10 (who seems to have fallen in love with the ferrets) and we set out with the father in law to a bit of permission we have at a local farm. We start on a three holer in a middle hedge. Well in with the hob and ten minutes later theres one in the net yipee. So then we move up to a four holer put the gill in whos only about a year old, she messes about a bit so we go back to the hob and he goes straight in. He does nt show for ages so we have a cup of tea then about an hour later we see him but cant get him out. In the end we stuff the earlier caught rabbit in the hole and wait till he grabs it to pull him out. The weather turns so we head home. Only one rabbit but a great few hours out and my boy was great with the ferrets so all in all brilliant.


Today we went to a different permission and tried another middle hedge with a good few holes. We started on a five holer thinking it looked good but to no evail, so we move up to a three holer. We had a bolt in about 15 mins but the net caught on a branch and we watch it run up the hedge. Another 20 mins we bag one. We done one more set in the hedge with no joy. Then we moved to 7 holer next to a great big stone wall, here we had two come up to the nets but turned and disapeared. So we moved to a bank where we cleared brambles and stuff yesterday in preperation. This used all our nets and we filled in some other holes we were here about an hour and a half and bagged one lost one. So yet again not a massive bag but a great day out and learning all the time. Will see if we can get another weekend out but cant wait to get to next season and really have some fun.

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Yea good little read that. It does get addictive the ferrets and the ferreting. I started back after a 20 plus year gap and at first thought I was mad but I now feel back at home again.

As for the hob playing about plenty of handling over the summer and being picked up off the floor. Also run through some pipes as suggested on the forum here else where worked a treat for my two

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