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is it just me ,, am i totally out of touch in my way of thinking about dogs ?in 40 odd years i have never sold or passed a dog on for any reason..   but it seems all to common today to , with the u

Ill be the first to admit,when i was a little younger,if i can remember that far back,i always wanted something better,never being happy with what id trained and entered.It took me a while to realise

Know people who pass/sell dogs on for what ever reasons but at the end of the day it's their choice, me my dogs are for life, I have 2 lurcher bitches here at the moment, both from same heritage,(moth

I dont agree with passing healthy young dog's on for money gain or loss of interest..i have myself passed two on over the year's..the 1st one took a bad injury too it's wrist and never ran the same after that..she was given too my aunt where she lived the rest of her life as a pet..the second was a big dog that had bad feet and broke 3 of it's toes by the time it was 18mth old..he was rehomed through lurcher link and also went to a good pet home with his own couch.. :D ..if either of those dog's had not picked bad injuries up i would of kept them till they where old ..

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i have ran a running dog of some sort for near on 40 years never passed one on or sold one as i see it like this i got the dog its my job to look after it to many people in this game who are only playing at it so if the dog is not doing a job by 12 months old its sold on and buy a new one to mess up no thought goes in to the wellfare of the dog its like they are buying some new trainers if they dont like them get some new ones joke really and boils my piss i never look at the dogs for sale on here as it is always the same thing getting rid cos moving home or wife up the duff why bother if you cant give the dog 10years plus dont get one rant over atb troter

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I think alot is down to the owner and how wide their interest is in hunting. If all you want to do is one specialised form ie; coursing or lamping foxes when legal, and have no interest in anything else then it would be hard to keep a dog that wouldnt perform. On the other hand if you do a bit of everything and all quarry by lamp, ferrets, bushing, shooting etc, then its possible to tailor your sport to suit your dogs strengths and work round their weaknesses. I fall into the second catergory and would sooner do what the dog is good at and enjoy working it than persevere with trying to make the dog do something its no good at or not interested in. I can see that it would be a problem if you were more specialised in your hunting.

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Know people who pass/sell dogs on for what ever reasons but at the end of the day it's their choice, me my dogs are for life, I have 2 lurcher bitches here at the moment, both from same heritage,(mothers were litter sisters) and if I could combine certain traits from each I would have my perfect dog, I have one I will breed off and one I probably won't, both do a job and have their uses to me, but only one has the breeding potential of the road I choose to go down for future generations, I would never be without either of them though and I guarantee that unless there is some unbeknown intervention, they will live a long and happy life with me.

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