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Ive been doing some crow and Magpie decoying but before they land in my set up they always seem to spot me and take off , I was wondering what is the best hide/ camouflage Method that would keep me hidden ?

Thanks michael

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Army surplus - go for natural materials rather than man made. I am a firm believer in UV signature being visible to many birds - think Jay wings, mallard and teal flashes, starling spots, MAGPIE PLUMAGE - THE IRIDESCENCE IS ALL UV SIGNATURE STUFF (yes I meant to use capitals, to emphasise the fact). Persil whiteners, will reflect UV and make you stand out like a neon light. Only wash your cotton hunting gear in plain water - rain is good!


Stay in the shadows, back from whatever you are using to hide behind- if a window 9a hole in your hide) don't be up close to it, stay well back and shoot through the hole, don't protrude through it. Look THROUGh a hide, not over the top or round the sides. A barn door - stay 10 feet back inside the and use the door/window as an aperture.You will stand out like a beacon if you look out of the window.


Wide brimmed hat and face veil of some osrt (scrim scarf is excellent and £3!)

THIN cotton gloves to cover up the white flags that are your hands. This enough to feel the trigger through.


NOISE - move all the twigs, leaves etc from the bottom of your hide. That way you cannot make a noise with your feet if you try.

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